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“A kind of light spread out from her. And everything changed color. And the world opened out. And a day was good to awaken to. And there were no limits to anything. And the people of the world were good and handsome. And I was not afraid any more. ”

~ John Steinbeck, East of Eden


We have entered an amazing time—a time of Universal change. As I have talked about in some recent posts we are in a phase where we are transitioning from the Third Dimension to the Fifth Dimension, a dimension of consciousness outside the constraints of space and time (known as the Third and Fourth Dimensions where your mind and body are aligned in a physical reality) and where you function or experience space in a more fluid reality (Into the Fifth Dimension).  And the pace is accelerating.

This month there will be super waves of energy—of gamma light—from the center of the Universe (also know as the Galactic Core). This has been coined Wave X. WaveX energy will be coming through the earth at maximum strength and peaking on September 28. We are already well into it and feeling its effects. These massive energy waves coming into earth happen only every 3600 years, and they coincide with significant changes in the evolutionary cycle of human kind.

As you can imagine, as WaveX—with its super strong energy—comes into earth this will have a tremendous impact on you, including your physical being. But it is nothing to fear. On the contrary, it is something to fully embrace.

WaveX—these incoming cosmic energies that have been building since late August—will accelerate and heighten a frequency shift in consciousness. This will inspire an evolutionary change and initiate an incredible change across the planet. These changes will not necessarily be sudden or be seen as “big” events onto themselves, but this massive energy will fuel change already occurring in the Universe, such as those we see being played out in major institutions and existing paradigms in the world in which we live.


WaveX will speed the ascension of many, especially those functioning at higher frequencies—but all will be impacted in someway.  WaveX will be fueling a mass scale raising of consciousness and spiritual Self.  We have been experiencing the impact of new energy and energy shifts as part of the Universal change and the ascension process—where we transform and heighten our consciousness.

As I talked about, this can result in a variety of symptoms, ranging from being restless, being “wired,” being tired, headaches and body aches, feeling sad or lonely, agitated, depressed, feeling on edge as if something is going to happen but you just don’t know what or when, etc.

And the emotions and feelings can swing (in short time frames) from feeling good or OK with things, even content or happy to feeling upset, scared or not well. This is normal. It’s best to let yourself go through these feelings with kindness and no self-judgment, and to lean on techniques and practices for relaxation such a meditation, grounding, exercise, etc.

It is important to remember at this time that you initially attract what you judge. With this, recognize that judgments can become reminders for new conscious behavior. Keep an open mind and an open heart. When approaching the transition to the Fifth Dimension the shift can be easier and even enjoyable by experiencing each moment.

Indeed, this time of WaveX can be a difficult period for many as they struggle with how they are feeling—emotionally, physically and spiritually. You can’t fight these feelings. You need to be introspective and trust this natural process of change, and rest in knowing that the Universal change that will be accelerated by WaveX is a natural process—and necessary that will result in a world of understating purpose, of compassion and love.

I would love to hear how you are experiencing WaveX.

Be Your Storyteller

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“Let your very existence be your song, your poem, your story.

Let your very identity be your book . . .”

– Charlotte Eriksson


We have been taught that all good stories have a beginning, a middle and an end. They have a plot, a protagonist, a climax and so on. We have been taught about and exposed to the many genres of stories—comedy, tragedy, drama, action, adventure, romance, science fiction, etc. In doing some research I found that there are genres within genres and quite an extensive list. This seems to go hand-in-hand with sometimes how complicated life may seem and why we think our life stories have to be some combination of all of these genres.

But even in thinking in the simplest terms that good stories are suppose to have a beginning, a middle and an end, most of us tend to put the stories of our lives in the framework as well—with “the end” being the exclamation point on our lives. We focus on what our legacy will be or on the impact of our purpose in this life. We fixate on the future or the end so much so that we forget to be in the present.


As we grow up and the distance between “just being”, of child-like wonder and the magic of simple things widens, some of us start to define our life story in the expectations of others or for others. We set milestones based on what our parents, friends, the media, etc., have taught us that will make us happy. These milestones start to form the beginning, middle and end of the (your) story. We painstakingly try to pin point the major accomplishment, the “ah-ha” moment or how our life’s work will make a major impact in the world.

We can get so fixated on trying to tell a story or making up a story that answers these questions that we forget to live OUR story. In short, we start to write our story for someone else, and not for ourselves.  We get distracted and we begin to lose sight of all the little moments, quiet events and people on our paths that make our stories so special and so remarkable.

Life can be full of noise, distraction and expectations. So much so that some of us will start to fill our daily dialogue with “should haves,” “if only,” and “whens.” We get caught up in comparing ourselves to others, letting others project themselves and their beliefs onto us, and of being judgmental. For some, we start to think (and even believe) that someone else will make us happy, has the answers, will tell us what to do, etc., so we can be happy, successful, content—and that our lives are “on track” for the beginning, middle and end of what makes a “good story.”

When you do this, you start to lose your power. You let someone else dictate your story. You have an amazing story. You were born with it—and it is only yours to tell. Don’t let someone else tell your story. Take responsibility for yourself—all the good you have done and will do, and for the things that may not have turned out so great. Live vicariously through yourself! Look inside yourself for the answers you seek—they are already there and they are always with you. Open your eyes to you—and along the way you will write and tell YOUR story—a story that never really ends; a story that is a wonderful combination of moments and nows!

Flip the Paradigm

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“Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny.”― Mahatma Gandhi


As we are in a universal state of change many of us are taking an inward journey through our souls and undertaking an examination of ourselves. We are working to understand what makes us happy, to accept and love ourselves, to let go of negativity and to be in tune with energy flows. Admittedly this is not an easy journey, especially since we are going through this process in existing paradigms filled with a legacy of expectations, norms and institutions.

It can be confusing as we navigate through various paradoxes and we begin to question ourselves and others. It can be frustrating as we feel that one day we have made great progress or had breakthroughs only to feel disappointed the next day. It can be demanding—even mentally and physically draining—as our bodies try to adjust to changes in energy flow and our brains are in an interesting state of trying to reconcile thoughts, words and actions.

When I contemplate this, I find that one very significant factor at play is the power of thought and how by human nature we tend to gravitate to the negative. For many, we measure our progress or take stock of how we are feeling from the negative side. Instead of looking at the good we have done, what we positively contributed, what we have produced, influenced, accomplished, etc., we tend to go to what “went wrong,” why something didn’t work out, or where we think we took two steps back vs one step forward. Self doubt enters the picture and we start to lose our faith in the Universe and the positive energy and change in play. We get distracted or hung up on trying to fix the things we don’t like and sometimes lose our focus on the things we like, what we did well, etc.


I have talked about this throughout the year, but I do want to bring it back up again. This is the power of thought and the wonderful connection and flow of thoughts, words and actions.  It is simple, but simple does not always mean easy. Many people forget or may not truly understand the power of thought. Today, it is common to get caught up in the day to day and get in an autopilot mode—whereby we are doing most things out of habit. We are creating our reality unconsciously.

Whether we are aware of it or not, we create our reality with our thoughts and behavior. And what’s amazing is that this means we all have the power to choose to be a conscious, mindful creator and change our reality to what we want it to be and what it is destined to be.  Remember, you choose your thoughts, you choose your behavior and you choose the outcome. Every choice you make determines how you feel physically, mentally and emotionally. You are not doomed to repeat the same actions over and over again. You are not sentenced to walk through life aimlessly to some unknown destination. You have the power through your thoughts, words and actions. As divine beings, we are all creators.

We have the ability to impact ourselves through our thoughts, which will in turn become our words and in turn become our actions.  Think about it this way. What we think often about comes out of our mouth and into others ears. Our thoughts are the prelude to our words. Our words impact how we feel about ourselves and they can impact how others think and feel.  Our words create action. They can motivate, move us and inspire us. So watch what you think and be aware of the words that come from your thoughts, and the actions that follow your words. As a creator, create!

As you create, a good starting point is to be grateful. Think of the good that you have done. Own that. Embrace that. Through owning the positive you will be able to also take responsibility with an open mind and heart for things that may not have been so positive.  Find peace with your past, accept who you are now and start each day with gratification. When you wake tomorrow, ask yourself, do I want to think and act like I did yesterday, or do I choose to flip the paradigm?

I hope you share with us how you flipped the paradigm!

Spiritual Consciousness

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“The illusion is we are only physical.”

– Vanna Bonta, Flight: A Quantum Fiction Novel

The past few weeks I have been focusing on sharing perspective on and insight into what I’ll call spiritual consciousness.  What I mean by spiritual consciousness is that you are spiritually awake, and this is distinct from physical consciousness. In physical consciousness you are aware of the physical world—the world around you, the people around you, places, things, etc. And your perceptions and actions—and even emotions—are formed from this physical lens.

The physical world or dimension provides the “stage” for the story of your life as it unfolds. But just as we grow and evolve physically from an infant to an adult and we continually become a collective of all our experiences, there is spiritual growth. For many, a focus on or nurturing this growth is not present—since the physical becomes the primary context of our lives, and the spirit gets a bit, well, neglected. Growing spiritually means that our consciousness grows beyond our physical consciousness, and there is an awareness of our true Self—where we understand who we really are and understand our relationship to the Universe, and know that everything is one. We are enlightened.

Now you may be asking, “how do I know if I’m enlightened?” One answer is that you already are, but your mind or physical being does not know it. Again, remember for most of us we are more focused on our experiences from a physical dimension. For many true self is considered the human body. And when we perceive our true self as only the human body and mind, we create worries, anxiety, stress, etc. about this temporary human body or existence. Over time this can over shadow a spiritual consciousness—which is enlightenment.  Our true self is not this temporary human body or existence. It is eternal and divine, and has a purpose to exist.

cosmic hand

For so many, when they contemplate or try to find “their purpose” it is done so from a physical or human consciousness. This puts thinking and related actions into trying to find something tangible that defines one’s purpose, which in turns gets tied to expectations and physical definitions of success. And, in turn, creates a cycle where spiritual consciousness is not realized.

So the next question you may be asking may be, “how do I break this cycle? To start, contemplate and embrace that:

  • You are a spiritual and divine being—you are not just a physical being or body
  • You create your reality and all the experiences in your life
  • Time and space is really an illusion—this physical world and presence is a lens or a “current reality” collectively created in this current Dimension
  • The Universe is changing—there is a transition happening to the Fifth Dimension and where ascension to a higher Self is occurring
  • The physical world of illusion can help accelerate your spiritual growth

If you start to think and realize that your true Self is not this human body and embrace that your daily life is an opportunity and a facility to help your true Self to emerge, you will begin to spiritually awaken. If you start to let go of your ego-driven habits and discover that the way to change the world is first to change your thoughts, beliefs and expectations, you will begin to raise your level of spiritual consciousness and to find peace and joy.

I would love to hear from you on how you define spiritual consciousness and invite you to share you experiences from your journey to enlightenment.

Focus for Enlightenment

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“You are one thing only. You are a Divine Being. An all-powerful Creator. You are a Deity in jeans and a t-shirt, and within you dwells the infinite wisdom of the ages and the sacred creative force of All that is, will be and ever was.”

Anthon St. Maarten, Divine Living: The Essential Guide To Your True Destiny


This week I want to share with you some thoughts about focus. We know that focus is a key component to reaching goals, doing something well or performing well, staying in the moment, etc. Focus is an element of all kinds of thinking—perception, memory, learning, reasoning and decision making. In one way focus is a driver and a point where activity and attention is concentrated. We often think about focus in terms of the external—focusing on or being aware of our environment, focusing on a task or a deliverable or focusing on another person or situation.

But there is another side to focus. The use of focus for personal spiritual advancement or enlightenment. Last week I wrote about the universal change underway and the shifts in energy and consciousness—in short, about being launched into new discoveries, freedoms and empowerment outside of the constraints of time and space and into a  new dimension of realizing a universal purpose. As we go through this process and experience we will all benefit from the positive output of our personal spiritual advancement. botthisatvas

Now is the time to look inward—to our higher self–so that we will  be in tune with energetic changes, as well as to find peace with our pasts and embrace the transition underway. There is remarkable strength and resilience that comes from working through your spirit that will propel you to new levels of thought and energy. By being focused on your spirituality your soul will emerge from its silence and become an invaluable part of your life.

In addition to taking care of your body and mind, how you nurture and respect your soul will accelerate your spiritual development. The acknowledgement of our spiritual self as a dynamic part of our being can break cycles of negativity that we have endured as part of the Third Dimension and our upbringing, and can serve as an accelerator to prepare us for the next Dimension.

Focusing on your soul or spirit can lead to an awakening that will connect you to a deeper profound inner knowing. It can help you from “fighting” yourself, to finding peace, to opening channels and allowing energy to more freely flow. It will help you let go of actions driven by your Ego and help move you to a state of understanding, compassion and contentment.

Renewing faith in ourselves and our existence with a higher purpose in life does not lie in revelation of new external information or a new instructions. It resides within each of us. Through the process of enlightenment our trust in the Universe is renewed and we will be able to leave behind years of instilled expectations of living in favor of reason, logic and analysis and with a preoccupation with prediction and control. It will lead to a higher-level of consciousness where new truths are embraced and a better life is possible.

Now is the time to re-focus on your spirit—even though sometimes it may feel or be strange like looking through a new set of glasses. But if you keep your eyes, mind and every part of you open and allow the time to adjust, you will discover a new world unfolding. There is a gift in seeing with your true sight.

Into the Fifth Dimension

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“The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness”

– Lao Tzu


Human consciousness and the universe are going through major shifts. There is monumental change underway as we move to a higher dimension, what you may have heard as the Fifth Dimension, a dimension of consciousness outside the constraints of space and time (known as the Third and Fourth Dimensions where your mind and body are aligned in a physical reality) and where you function or experience space in a more fluid reality. There is a lot of good writing and perspectives about this natural evolution to higher dimensions and if you want to learn more go to you favorite search engine and start reading!

These shifts are the influx of a higher frequency energy coming into the universe and flowing into and through each of us. In short, there is a transformation of energy causing an awakening. And the awakening is resulting is new waves of universal and energetic truth. Truths we see being exposed in work environments, governments, communities, etc.

The pace of the transition is accelerating and we are experiencing shifts in the political landscape, social and economic ecosystems and more. This causes tension—tension between those who are holding on, who want to control and perpetuate their own existence—the power brokers—with those who are waking up, who are seeing and experiencing the universal truths and are evolving and vibrating at increased energy levels.

We are experiencing phenomena of the universe where many are entering new awakenings in the new wave of energies taking place. This experience can be challenging as we shift consciousness while using our physical world and being—and old reflections—to create our current reality. This is an interesting “place” to be as we launch into new discoveries, freedom and new found empowerment. space

Collective humanity is being drawn into the inevitable Fifth Dimension. This transition can be sometimes difficult to handle emotionally, as well as energetically. And if our individual energy is not in sync with new energy frequencies flowing the energetic transition can be a bit overwhelming to our bodies and minds—sometimes creating emotional and physical issues.

The intensity of this energy may give you a feeling of being unsettled, restless or sometimes feeling lost or not sure what to do. In this state you may find yourself questioning things, looking for answers, feeling out of sorts like in limbo or floating, feeling a bit untethered, or even having physical reactions of anxiety, being more emotional, tired, sore, etc. You will find yourself in familiar surroundings but somehow they seem strange or different. You may experience your friends and family differently, and experience feelings of loneliness or sadness.

You are in the early stages of the transition and your physical being is adjusting. Find comfort in knowing this is a natural step in your process of change and the progression of the universe, and know it will improve as you get more acclimated to moving into this new dimension. You will realize accelerated thinking—find yourself making connections faster and being more creative.  You will experience the ability to move through challenges and emotions more quickly and easily, and being able to let go of negativity and find peace with the past.

So as you find yourself in this transition—embrace it, welcome it!  There will be days when it will be difficult, but this is the time to be centered and grounded, and to focus on seeing the good that will come. Have confidence in knowing that this new influx of energy will help heal issues we are presently experiencing in our lives and the world, and is moving each of us forward in our Universal purpose. While in this state of transition, adjust your expectations, find time to quiet your mind, learn to love yourself, be compassionate—and give yourself comfort. Be kind to yourself, and take care of yourself. Eat healthy, get rest and relax into the change (Spiritual Relaxation).

Your turn—I would love to hear from you on what you may be experiencing!

Spiritual Relaxation

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“There is force in the universe, which, if we permit it, will flow through us and produce miraculous results.”

– Mahatma Gandhi


In today’s world, relaxation is often associated with such activities as going on vacation, watching a movie, having a beer with friends, listening to music, etc. True, these may turn your attention away from stressors in your life and get you physically (and mentally) in a different space, but they are stimulating. They stimulate your senses, and they do not really get you to a place of relaxing in a deep, meaningful way.

I would like to share with you a different perspective on relaxation–relaxation in a spiritual sense; relaxation in terms of regaining control of you own attention and energy, and as part of spiritual development. Relaxation in terms of taking a break from your physical identity and all the comes with that (thinking about how things are and how they should be) and deeply allowing yourself to truly experience not only the sense of freedom but the belief that you are a divine being and part of all that is.

For the most part, most of our waking lives our attention (and energy) is directed outwards–through what we see, what we hear, what we say, what we do, etc. to the world around us. And it’s attracted (and sometimes distracted) by other sounds, people and energies, which are all competing for our attention. This creates a lot of noise and sometimes before we know it we can’t differentiate the noise from the signal.

moon over lake

We may experience this by feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, tired, stressed or unfocused and think by taking that physical and mental break–turning it off for a bit by doing things which we have been conditioned to believe help us relax–will help. And maybe for a short while it does. But what is missing is the deep relaxation that quiets our minds and re-connects us to our spirituality, our higher Selves and to the Universe.

So what is spirituality? Spirituality can have many definitions and one can think about  spirituality as something that gives your life context and meaning, and arises from your connection with yourself, with others and with the universe.

Cultivating your spirituality through relaxation can be done in many ways, such as meditation, working with techniques to calm emotions and quiet your mind as well as visualization, among others. It can also be nurtured by “relaxing” into life and daily situations by approaching life embracing your spirituality and knowing that you are part of a greater whole; to be confident in your soul’s journey and believing that you are being taken care of by the universe. Never are you left alone for one moment and everything is happening according to divine order and divine timing.

So I encourage you to think about relaxation is a different way–in a way that connects you with your spirituality, your higher Self and to the wonders of the Universe. Now your turn–please share how you practice spiritual relaxation.


Conscious Detachment

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“It is your resistance to what is that causes your suffering.”

– Buddha


I know that the concept of being detached consciously may seem odd or even uncomfortable—especially as you are working to make change, know your Self and follow your intentions.  The term detached or the state of being detached can have a negative connotation. And this comes from a legacy of expectations that have been ingrained in us and society for centuries.

When I talk about conscious detachment, I’m not taking about “checking out” of life, not caring or giving up on your choices. I am, however, taking about not being attached to outcomes, situations or people; of letting go of trying to control outcomes and the process; and of relinquishing your resistance to what is causing your suffering (what may not be working in your life, unfulfilled desires, loneliness, relationship problems, guilt, financial problems, etc.).

Think about it (Buddha’s famous saying, “It is your resistance to what is that causes your suffering”) for a minute in a practical sense. It means that suffering occurs when we resist how things are. If you can change something, then make change. If you can’t change something then accept it and let go of negativity.  It is about accepting what is—the realities in your life without resisting them.

There are some things that no matter how much you resist them there is nothing you are going to be able to do about them. Change what you can change, and have the wisdom to accept unalterable situations as they are without expending energy attempting to change what you cannot.  This acceptance is conscious detachment—the ability to allow the negative to flow through you without resistance and without affecting you.redman

Attachment is based on fear and insecurity and the need for security is based on not knowing your true Self. Being consciously detached is moving your focus from trying to change others or unchangeable circumstances to a focus on yourself and what needs to be changed in you. This is powerful. It’s moving the focus from the known (the past)—from what we have done, what someone has done or not done to us—to the now. It’s allowing yourself to feel your feelings, letting them go, being in the present moment and trusting the greater power of the Universe.

When you put conscious detachment in the context of your change process and in manifesting your dreams, it’s about not attaching yourself to any specific person’s actions or to certain outcomes. Being attached to any thing, person or situation sends a message to yourself that you are not complete without that thing, person or event, and then you fail to see the perfection in what is.

When you do this you give away your power to create your own reality—and you create within yourself a sense of doubt.  When you detach yourself from the outcome you will feel your doubt and fear transforming into a deep sense of knowing and certainty. This is faith and faith is the means to true detachment.

Whenever you feel a sense of panic or a need to control the process in your day-to-day thoughts and actions, this is when you are in a state of attachment.  You are sort of in an “attached mind.” To work through this first take responsibility for your own behavior. Get to a place where you do not blame others or circumstances.

It’s your reaction to these things that causes disappointment, resentment, anger, etc.  Don’t lose yourself in these negative emotions that will cause fear and perpetuate you being attached. Practice acceptance—acceptance of things you cannot change and trying to change them. Practice letting go—find peace with your past and things that may not be working in your life, and then move to reconnecting with your intentions (Reconnecting to Your Intention) and using positive thoughts and taking positive actions.

In those moments of being in an “attached mind” pause, relax and remind yourself that you are in control when you do not have a need to control. And in this state of conscious detachment you accept what is and by doing so you put in practice faith and trust in the Universe.

This faith is not to sit back and wish things were different or to watch life go by—waiting for life to happen.  It is knowing that your positive thoughts will manifest by you taking inspired action—without the baggage of attachment and negativity. You create a non-resistance pattern that takes you to peace and certainty where your choices flourish and become your reality.

Reconnecting to Your Intention

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“Conscious intention colors and moves everything”
– Master Hsing Yun

In many of the blog posts I often talk about the power of intention and inner conviction; that the universal source provides or supplies everything and within you is the ability to create. You have the ability to will what you desire, and more importantly to live your imagination.  What I mean is that your will or desire is one thing–to drive hard and focus on what you want, how you want to live your life, etc.  It’s your determination.

But in your imagination you become what you think about. Think of your imagination as the catalyst or the source that makes things happen. To realize your intentions, through the tool and power of your imagination, you need to work in a state of higher or more positive energy. Think about it this way, you attract what you think about. Your thoughts are energy and if you are letting in doubt, distraction or negativity, the universe will respond to that as what is.


If you focus on what you don’t want–don’t want to be, don’t want to go, don’t want to feel, you are perpetuating that as what is and you will attract these negative states or actions. The “don’t want,” doubt and fear are negative, and on a deeper level they are a distraction from inner knowing or trust in the universal source of abundance.

We humans have a tendency when we do not like what is occurring in our lives, to complain or think of what we do not like, want, etc. It’s sort of like swimming up-stream or going against the tide. When we think and speak of what we do not want, do not like, what hurts us or what makes us unhappy, we are swimming against the flow of the universe and stifling our ability to float to our intentions and manifestation of our imagination or desires.

Focusing on what you want in the spirit and state of love, compassion and trust puts forth positive energy and attracts positivity in return. When you complain about something or let distraction in, have you not noticed that even more negative thoughts or actions come soon after? The same applies when you focus on the positive and do not let distractions in; more realizations of the good in your life come to you and you set in motion the profound yet simple knowing that the universe supplies everything.

When you find yourself thinking negative thoughts, coming at things from a place of fear or doubt, simply acknowledge the feeling, accept and embrace that you have the right to feel this way and let them go. Re-engage your imagination–visioning yourself in your desired state, place and of being. Examine your self-imposed obstacles and challenges and remove them, and live the intent that has been placed in your heart and soul.  Reconnect to your intentions and the knowing that you have the power to create anything that is in your imagination.

Standing Waves

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“The heavy is the root of light. The unmoved in the source of all movement”

– Tao Te Ching


Earlier this year I wrote about riding the wave (Ride the Wave) of collective energy that is put out to the universe to ignite or fuel your intentions–to launch yourself on every wave. One way to look at these types of waves (going back to our school days of science) is that they are traveling waves. Waves that are picking up collective energy, and that are not confined to a given space, like the waves of an ocean. But it is also possible for a wave not to travel anywhere, but to simply oscillate in place, maintaining a fixed wavelength of frequency. These are called standing waves.standing wave3

Like these standing waves, we as humans also have standing waves–whereby we may physically appear (and feel) that we are standing still as the world about us is rapidly moving–in a constant state of traveling waves. That feeling like everything around you is moving while you stand in the middle of it is like being on a fast train where you experience the illusion that the train is standing still and the buildings and trees are moving backwards.

In our standing waves—when we are standing still to regroup, to rest, to reflect and to be in conversation with life, energy is flowing dynamically within our bodies. Our human standing waves appear to be still but they have constant movement within them. This is a movement that removes us from or rises us above traveling movement or waves, to what can be defined as a higher level of movement. In this state we have the ability to clearly hear our inner voice and to deepen our relationship with and understanding of the universal energy that flows through us.

These standing still moments are where we evolve from and where we become awakened. They are where we discover that there is so much more to life–and how we are universally connected. They are where the universe speaks to us. In stillness–in our standing wave–there is amazing movement that goes beyond creating an inner peace and sense of well-being. There is a movement in the stillness where your mind meets your soul and the action that the universe intends blossoms.

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