Spiritual Consciousness

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“The illusion is we are only physical.”

– Vanna Bonta, Flight: A Quantum Fiction Novel

The past few weeks I have been focusing on sharing perspective on and insight into what I’ll call spiritual consciousness.  What I mean by spiritual consciousness is that you are spiritually awake, and this is distinct from physical consciousness. In physical consciousness you are aware of the physical world—the world around you, the people around you, places, things, etc. And your perceptions and actions—and even emotions—are formed from this physical lens.

The physical world or dimension provides the “stage” for the story of your life as it unfolds. But just as we grow and evolve physically from an infant to an adult and we continually become a collective of all our experiences, there is spiritual growth. For many, a focus on or nurturing this growth is not present—since the physical becomes the primary context of our lives, and the spirit gets a bit, well, neglected. Growing spiritually means that our consciousness grows beyond our physical consciousness, and there is an awareness of our true Self—where we understand who we really are and understand our relationship to the Universe, and know that everything is one. We are enlightened.

Now you may be asking, “how do I know if I’m enlightened?” One answer is that you already are, but your mind or physical being does not know it. Again, remember for most of us we are more focused on our experiences from a physical dimension. For many true self is considered the human body. And when we perceive our true self as only the human body and mind, we create worries, anxiety, stress, etc. about this temporary human body or existence. Over time this can over shadow a spiritual consciousness—which is enlightenment.  Our true self is not this temporary human body or existence. It is eternal and divine, and has a purpose to exist.

cosmic hand

For so many, when they contemplate or try to find “their purpose” it is done so from a physical or human consciousness. This puts thinking and related actions into trying to find something tangible that defines one’s purpose, which in turns gets tied to expectations and physical definitions of success. And, in turn, creates a cycle where spiritual consciousness is not realized.

So the next question you may be asking may be, “how do I break this cycle? To start, contemplate and embrace that:

  • You are a spiritual and divine being—you are not just a physical being or body
  • You create your reality and all the experiences in your life
  • Time and space is really an illusion—this physical world and presence is a lens or a “current reality” collectively created in this current Dimension
  • The Universe is changing—there is a transition happening to the Fifth Dimension and where ascension to a higher Self is occurring
  • The physical world of illusion can help accelerate your spiritual growth

If you start to think and realize that your true Self is not this human body and embrace that your daily life is an opportunity and a facility to help your true Self to emerge, you will begin to spiritually awaken. If you start to let go of your ego-driven habits and discover that the way to change the world is first to change your thoughts, beliefs and expectations, you will begin to raise your level of spiritual consciousness and to find peace and joy.

I would love to hear from you on how you define spiritual consciousness and invite you to share you experiences from your journey to enlightenment.

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