Ride the Wave

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“You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment.”
– Henry David Thoreau


This is the time of year–the beginning of a new year–that many of us make resolutions and put out to the universe that we are going to change. Change our health habits, change our routines, change ourselves–make change so we become improved versions of our current selves and lead more meaningful lives.

It’s hard to not only make these resolutions and embrace them, but harder to keep them alive. Some of us reject the New Year’s resolution thing all together–be it from a place of fear or thinking it’s a silly tradition and not wanting to be take part in a collective of commitments that fade over time.

But there is something to be said about this time of the year. When literally billions of people one by one are creating a form of tremendous positive energy with their resolutions–and a wave of good will and good intention. This collective of positive energy is like a movement of a higher dimensional frequency, clearing paths and amplifying intentions.

It’s like riding the wave–where as the wave builds it picks up more and more energy. This energy can fuel your intentions and help move them forward and help move you into a positive state of change–which as we noted in our last post starts from within. This state of universal positive energy is a magnificent gift and should be accepted and used wisely as you make your commitments, express your intentions and start your journey of change.

Some of you reading this may say what happens when the wave crests and starts to lose its energy. In this regard, think about it in terms of the ocean. Ocean waves come rolling into the beach bringing in a flow of water and energy and when they hit the beach and rescind carry away debris. And sometimes they leave beautiful shells and sea glass. The sea shore in a way represents constant change and renewal–a wave of change and renewal.

Let the energy wave ignited by all the billions of intentions for change carry you forward and fuel you and keep with you the belief that as waves in our daily lives ebb, new waves keep rolling in behind. Let that process continue to gently move you forward.

So as the Henry David Thoreau quote says, launch yourself on every wave. Be it the wave of collective energy being put out to the universe for all of us to embrace and ride or the waves of life that help move us forward, clearing out debris and providing us gifts of discovery about ourselves that help us see the beauty in ourselves and make meaningful change.

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