Energy Exchange

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“When Your Energy vibrates at a frequency that is in direct alignment with what the universe has been attempting to deliver your entire life, you begin to live in the flow and true miracles start to happen.”
~Panache Desai


This week I want to focus on energy. Over the past year I have written about energy, I have touched upon energy on an individual level, including that we as humans are energy and that we embody and are a source of energy. I have touched upon management of one’s energy. I have also touched upon energy on a universal level, sharing with you aspects of collective energy and the benefits of tapping into positive waves of energy and good intentions.

And I have shared a fundamental Universal truth about energy exchange that we attract the energy that we are sending out. This is commonly interpreted as positive energies attract positive energies and negative energies attract negative energies. But there is a deepness to the topic of energy and energy exchange that I would like to explore with you.

Energy exists all around us. Every aspect of our world is made up of energy in varying degrees of vibration. From the Divine energy that created our souls to judgmental or manipulative energy, the energy that surrounds us and is within us is constantly moving, redefining and evolving us.

Energy is the substance that makes up life and it comes from within each of us. In every interaction we are experiencing an energy exchange. This energy exchange can be so subtle that most times we are not aware of it. Other times we may feel it physically, for instance in the form of feeling exhausted post a confrontation or a thrilling experience. And most of us know that if we dwell in a state of emotion or energy of fear, sadness, worry, etc., that we seem to attract or perpetuate this in our lives. We feel in a funk or notice that our preponderance to worry about certain things tends to create a series of events that are manifestations of that worry. If we function in a state of emotion or energy of positivity, hope, or calm, we attract more of the positive outcomes associated with this energy. space-stars

We, however, live in a physical world or dimension where we are ascending to our true Selves and reconciling our physical beings with our souls, and people of the world are at different states in this process. Sometimes this creates a competition for energy, as we try to find or fulfill a physical or emotional void when we forget that we have an unlimited energy source within ourselves and where we look to others to fill that void.

Even when a person is loving towards another, he or she can feel drained of energy, as he or she may be giving so much to the other. They think love comes from another when it actually comes from within–from within themselves as a divine source of energy. Energy flows through us and is not from a limited source that can be depleted. If we think of love as a form of energy, we should not fear its loss, as there will always be an abundance of it within us and around us.

Our energies fluctuate within ourselves and between others based on our interactions, intentions, state of mind, and circumstances. It takes focus, reflection and some effort to be grounded, to be in-tune with or understand why we are feeling certain ways, to bring ourselves back to center and to be energetically refueled.

Daily interactions with people and the energy exchanges that go hand-in-hand with this provides us with growth. We need to recognize that an energy exchange is happening and be cautious not to surrender our energy to those who are trying to manipulate it for their own purpose. Now is the time to recognize the situation for what it is and have compassion. Through compassion and understanding we overcome manipulation.

In the daily exchange of energy, sometimes we are victims, sometimes problem solvers and rescuers, sometimes manipulators and sometimes the manipulated. Throughout life we have a role in this energy exchange. To not get caught up in energy competition or struggle, we need to release the need to control or have power over others. It is best to observe what comes to us without reacting, to have trust in the Universe and that what is happening is for our highest good. This is when we use our free will to act, versus re-act. This is when we will be able to tap into the power of knowing all things.

Now is the time to take ownership of the energy that you put out in the world.


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“Everything comes to us that belongs to us if we create the capacity to receive it.”

Rabindranath Tagore


As we stand at the beginning of a New Year let us not lose sight of the growth that we each have achieved and the experiences we have had in 2015.  Let us take these with us into the New Year.

For many the beginning of a New Year brings closure to the past. However, in this closure it is important to keep the learnings, the insight, and the awakenings we have had with us. For some life is experienced in a linear fashion and this time of a New Year is a time to close the door on the previous year—with joy and happiness, hope, or sadness or fear. In doing so they forget that all the experiences, feelings, and emotions of the year added to the fabric of them and to the Universe.

New Year’s is an amazing time. It is a time to take stock of ourselves and the world in which we live, to set new goals and intentions, and to ride the energy wave and spirit of the holiday season. It is a time to reflect and to make peace with and accept our past, to accept who we are and why, and to let go of things not working in our lives. Equally, it is important to be conscious of the constant state of change, to our energy and vibration, and to be fully cognizant of our thoughts, words and actions. cosmos_reflection

Everyday, regardless of how routine or mundane it may seem, provides lessons, presents choices and opens doors to new opportunities. Some of these may be subtle and quiet and some may be big and loud, and even unexpected or disruptive. Remember to embrace them all and to acknowledge and welcome all the emotions that come along. Key here is to be fully present in your life and to follow your instincts.

Everyday we are in ascension—the process by which our energy and consciousness rises in harmony with our true Self, where we find new focus in life on earth, and where we rise to a higher level of being. Our vibrations are rising and our higher consciousness is increasingly able to reside or live within our physical bodies. Through ascension, our bodies, emotions, minds and even genetic makeup are changing.

This is a time for celebration and a season to nurture the growth of this new world within yourself and around you. Your “new” self is already present. It is your soul. Keep your focus on this and try not to get distracted. Do not lose your soul’s signal or fight or suppress what you may be feeling. Believe in yourself and the Universe. Not believing will diminish the power and the energy of you. You were born with the power to turn your thoughts into reality and destined to live your purpose in joy and happiness. Believe that you have all you need within you and through your connectedness with the Universe.

As we turn the calendar page to 2016, let’s jump into all the days believing in ourselves and the greatness and diviness in ourselves. Happy New Year!

Your Soul’s Song

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“Music is the language of the spirit. It opens the secret of life bringing peace, abolishing strife.” 

― Kahlil Gibran

As we approach this physical world’s year end, for many it is time to reflect and for some to measure where they are in the plans and goals they set forth for themselves as the New Year of 2015 began. Time to take stock of progress they have made towards their intentions, and contemplate their emotions and where they are currently in their lives. This can be exhilarating for some where they are excited to step into the new year based on the growth they realized.

For others it can be a feeling of more work to do and being at peace with that. And for some it may feel discouraging or disappointing whereby they are still being a bit more judgemental of themselves or comparing themselves to others—where they may be living in others’ expectations. Regardless of where you may fall on the spectrum of “reflection” keep front and center that you are on your soul’s journey.

If you feel that you have not “progressed” or “evolved” to the place you wanted to be, let go of the judgement. Take time to deeply reflect and meditate on your emotions. Embrace all of them—joy, sadness, confidence and doubt, etc. They are yours and are your Self sending you a message. Acknowledge them and move forward knowing that you have the power to manifest your dreams and desires. Listen to your inner voice and trust your instincts. You have all the answers you seek.

If you feel that maybe you did not end the year where you thought you wanted to be, re-examine your intentions and be open with yourself about what obstacles you may have put in your own way. And remember that sometimes your soul may need for you to go through a few rounds of the same emotions or challenges so that you learn from them, grow and can move on and not relive them again. These are the “reminds” (The “Re-Mind”) I talked about earlier this year. beach-sundown

Learning to love your self (Love Thy Self) and knowing that you are right where you are supposed to be are Universal truths. Let go of judgement, of jealously and of unnecessary want. Know and believe that you are a divine being and part of something bigger than your single self.

This has been a tremendous year with the entry of new energy (WaveX) into the Earth we inhabit. There is a great ascension underway that can be emotionally, mentally and physically trying. Do not fear it. We are all on a collective journey to a harmonious and higher existence, but our physical bodies can be challenged by this journey. Our mental capacities of focus and concentration can be drained. And our souls may feel agitated and uneasy. These are the times not to ignore these symptoms. These are the times to ensure that you take care of yourself—to eat healthy, to rest, to exercise, to meditate, and to relax (Spiritual Relaxation) into what you are experiencing.

And most importantly, these are the times to hear the harmony that your soul sings inside you. For many, we forget how to listen to our soul’s song. We get distracted. Noise enters and we lose sight of the signal. Life can feel busy and overwhelming with long lists of “to-do’s,” coupled with thoughts of “should haves” and “if only’s. But life is a wonderful gift of the Universe to you. Your soul chose to be in this physical place to experience everything on your path. As you are on this Universal excursion fueled by the new energy coming into this world your soul is working to return to its innate frequency—its song.

You are part of the Universe (The Universe is You)—and as the Universe—are energy. As you go through the constant state of change—as you make peace with your past and release hurts, fears and traumas, you are making connections to your divine Self and are ascending. You are getting closer to your truth. You are enlightened and receive, through opening channels, knowledge and wisdom. Even though some days it may not feel like it you are advancing. You are waking up. Now is not the time to be discouraged or disheartened. Now is the time to celebrate and follow your energy path. Let your soul’s song be heard and let it vibrate through you into the Universe.

I encourage you to read through the collection of posts that we published this year. They themselves have been a journey. My hope is that in re-reading them in the context of what you have learned, where you are now and with the insight of the Universal change underway that you find solace, hope and guidance. My wish for you at this Holiday Season is that you begin to hear a bit louder the song inside of you and to rejoice in it!

Nurture Your Energy. Nourish Your Soul.

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“We live as ripples of energy in the vast ocean of energy”

~Deepak Chopra


The concept of energy in the metaphysical sense and as a life force can seem complex. But simply put, each of us is energy and each of us is a powerful energy source that radiates thoughts, feelings, emotions or vibes. In short, we are living power sources of energy. We possess a “core” energy that we are born with when our souls decide to be in the physical world. Further, being part of a collective, through our interactions we accept or intake energy from those around us and we give energy as well. In this constant energy flow we must be in-tune with or aware of that flow or the “give and take” of our energy sources.

We all have encountered people that light up a room or to which many are drawn to. These people possess great sources of energy and those in their presence are energized by them. We have also encountered the energy vampires, those who over step their bounds and suck energy from others. They essentially take the energy from others to compensate for what they may feel is a drain of their energy or an insecurity that their energy is at risk. They take, but they do not give back. dim moon

Regardless of where on the spectrum you may fall, it is important to effectively manage your energy. In efforts to help others you may let too much of your energy source be tapped and can find yourself drained and tired, and even experience physical symptoms of being sick. Or you may be in a period of a negative mindset where you are experiencing self-defeating thoughts or behaviors, blaming others or seeking answers from others. This can quickly deplete energy and you may intentionally or unintentionally siphon energy from others.

To effectively manage your energy you need to take care of yourself and nurture your soul and nurture your energy. You need to be conscious of when you start to experience exhaustion or negativity and thoughts, words and actions that are misaligned with your intentions and purpose. You have to hit a reset button and decide how you will use your life energy.

Here are some ways that you can nurture your energy:

  • Practice mindfulness: Focus on being in the moment and rid yourself of distraction
  • Meditate: Take 10-15 minutes a day to calm your mind, pay attention to your breathing and use a soothing, positive mantra.
  • Be grateful: Have gratitude for the blessings in your life—however subtle or small.
  • Exercise: For physical benefit and or enlivening your soul. Take a walk. Get outside. Put your body in motion.
  • Drop judgement and comparison: Validate your own experience and let go of expectations.
  • Accept yourself: Accept where you are now and that you are a whole or complete person now. You are perfect now.
  • Embrace your experiences and emotions: They are part of the growing and enlightenment process. Reflect upon what you are feeling and why and let go of negativity.
  • Listen to the whispers of your soul: Get out of your head and over thinking things. Clear the sound waves of the noise and know your soul has the answers

How do you nurture your energy and nourish your soul?

The Art of Gratitude

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“Gratitude turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity . . . it makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”

~ Melody Beattie


To break living in expectation, judgement or comparison, to empower your mind, body and soul and to unleash your potential, your purpose and Universal gifts, the liberation process includes gratitude and the practice of gratitude.

Gratitude: defined as the state of being grateful and a feeling of appreciation. But it is more. It is an affirmation of goodness and a recognition of goodness within ourselves and outside of ourselves–in the Universe.

Encouraging and living in a state of authentic thanks raises our vibrations and helps us project light into the world, and what we give the Universe, the Universe gives to us.

For many, we get caught up in the motion of life. We spend time dwelling on the past and thinking about the future; living by others’ rules, harboring self doubt and feeling incomplete because of self-imposed expectations. We forget to appreciate what we already have. We lose sight that we have and hold the answers to what we seek. We neglect to fully embrace that the Universe–of which we are part of and which is in each of us– is the great provider.  Art of Gratitude

Being OK with where you are and who you are at this very given moment, accepting your past and letting go of the pieces not working for you and setting and acting upon your genuine intentions is living in gratitude. Appreciating all the experiences, emotions, ups/downs, etc., that are the fabric of you is living in gratitude. Taking a moment to acknowledge the impact of all who you encounter on your life’s path and that touched you and you them is living in gratitude.

We are not in this earthly place to be recognized or exalted by others. We are in this life to be in its moments, appreciate it for what it is and to give light. Part of really being grateful is living in the present and seeing the gift that is each day and what the Universe offers. We can allow ourselves to see this gift and to make the choice to forego negativity. We can embrace the constant state of change and refresh our current perspective on our current moments. Gratitude helps us to transcend thoughts of not feeling enough and to know that we are enough.

As we enter into the holiday season and a time of year-end reflection, I’ll leave you with a morning prayer from the Dalai Lama:

Today I am fortunate to have woken up, I am alive, I have a precious human life, and I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand by heart out to others, to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings, I am going to have kind thoughts towards others, and I am not going to get angry or think badly of others, I am going to benefit others as much as I can.

Break the Chains of Mental Slavey

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Emancipate yourself from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds.”
~ Bob Marley

Many of us are held captive by limitations placed on us by ourselves or others, and we choose to accept these false boundaries. We become mentally enslaved by fear, ignorance, low self-esteem, self-doubt, expectations or negativity.

The path to emancipation from mental slavery is paved through gaining new knowledge, insights, ideas and frameworks—new mental models and new ways of thinking. Liberation is achieved through the ongoing development of your mind, and the choice not to accept the boundaries or limitations created by you or others.

The mind is a powerful force. It can enslave us or empower us. It can plunge us into the depths of misery or take us to the heights of ecstasy. Learn to use it wisely.” ~ David Cuschieri

In thinking about this—how our minds can enslave us—we have to come to terms that for many we have lied to ourselves about our lack of power, free-will and universal knowledge. We have placed chains on ourselves and believe the lies we told ourselves. We essentially became slaves to the false limitations or boundaries created.   fantasy-wallpaper

The challenge is that we don’t know that we are in mental slavery, that we created a personal matrix or illusion—becoming stuck in our own “reality” and creating beliefs about ourselves that are really false (not true to our souls). These constraints and limiting thoughts in turn get fueled by the world around us. We simply forget that our minds are but a tool.

How liberating is it to set your mind free and to know that there are no excuses for the mind to become over-powered with pessimism and unhappiness or that we are controlled by others? So how do we step back from this mental slavery? We are all blessed with the ability to reflect and the Universal rights of free-will and choice. We all have the ability to step back from our thoughts and gain a mental position of power.

To start, evaluate whether your thoughts or beliefs are true to you and if they serve you. You can always step back and question a belief or idea. It is true that you can make your own decisions. You do not have to be obedient to others’ expectations or belief systems. You can create the reality you desire, take responsibility for your decisions and emancipate your mind!

Freeing your mind is a continuous action that requires understanding, thought, words, action, effort, mindfulness and concentration. Here are some helpful steps to get you started in freeing your mind, and that you can work into your daily life and thought processes:

-Believe in yourself
-Take responsibility for where you are
-Forgive and let go of the past
-Stop people-pleasing and approval-seeking behaviors
-Don’t constrain yourself by expectations (yours or others)
-Keep an open mind and stop judging and comparing
-Take ownership of what you desire and take action to realize it
-Be positive and don’t harbor toxic emotions
-Envision your future and maintain your focus on it
-Fight for your dreams

Start to pave your path to mental freedom today.

Spectator or Participant—You Choose

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“Don’t live a a life that others want you to live, live your own life do what you love, chase your dreams and goals.

 ~ Anurag Prakash Ray

In a recent post on “Just Be” I talked about how we are in a time of great spiritual maturity and enlightenment, where new discoveries about ourselves are being revealed, and how important, if not critical, it is to consciously participate in this process. A key word is participate—to take part or have a part or share.

To realize spiritual and personal growth, and to create and realize change in your life you have to participate in your life. You must be present in your life and take responsibility and ownership for all you have done, are doing and will do. Change is simply a process that can be initiated and consciously chosen or it can be thrust upon you by other people, experiences or circumstances. We are all here to experience change, so we can choose to embrace it or deny it. Embracing it, owning it, and being it will allow you to soar and experience tremendous spiritual growth.

If you feel like you are watching your life go by or maybe you are feeling uncertain, stuck, disconnected, unhappy or even fearful, and you are waiting for someone or something to change you or your life, then you are being a spectator of your life. You have become emotionally disconnected and unavailable from yourself—from your soul and its purpose.

Strangely, this may happen because it’s a “safe” place to be. It may be easier to blame others or life events and to live by expectations and “norms” instilled from childhood then to allow yourself to feel and experience all the highs and lows that come wtih learning, growing and living in this physical life. It may feel easier to be a spectator of your life versus being an active participant.

Yes, through life we will all be presented with challenges and difficultties, and can feel uncertain about where we are, if we “fit in” and where we are heading. But sitting on the sidelines and watching or wandering with a lack of direction with the excuse of not knowing where to begin or not having the energy to begin will delay your growth and ascension. All your experiences are yours to own and from which to learn. They are the lessons of your soul. But to keep repeating them in a constant pattern or cycle because you are fearful or not fully committed to change will keep you in a constant state of being the spectator.


If you are experiencing a sense of wandering or as if you are watching your life versus being in your life, you need to consider if what you are experiencing is a new phase where you have entered into a “discomfort” zone or whether you are stuck because you have yet to acknowledge and resolve what is holding you back and what is making you a spectator. For many, it can be living by others expectations or being put “in a box” of how or who they are suppose to be and living up to or by labels we let get assigned.

Using these lables, we learn to function or be in a safe zone, usually going through motions and living life unawakened. These labels make is easier to be passive or a spectator in our own lives. It’s easier to not challenge the way you are living your life, and it can be hard to break the pattern and to learn to think for yourself, to listen to your inner voice and follow you instincts.

It can be uncomfortable at first—but it’s the start to living your own life. This means giving serious thought to what you want to experience and what you would like to see in the world. It means dedicating time to defining the things you want to learn and create. It’s about taking responsiblity and creating opportunities for you—what you seek or desire, and embracing your purpose and re-discovering your Self.

What might help is to think back to a time or situation where you truly felt light or happy, where you felt connected or in the “zone” and where you felt nothing could stop you. You felt energized. You felt “right” where you were and inspired by where you were going. Your soul was talking to you. The signs where there.

Sometimes along the journey of life and spirtual growth we lose the signal of our soul and we fall into routine and expectation. We lose ourselves in the noise and become spectators in our lives—living by labels or others’ demands. It’s time to awaken to discover your authentic self. It’s time to live in opportunity, possibility, and creativity and your soul’s reality. It’s time to be a participant and an owner of your life. Here is some advice to help transform you from a spectator to a participant.

  • Be honest with yourself about any difficulties or challenges you may be experiencing. Recognize them and your role in them.
  • Accept your past and release emotional baggage. Feel the emotions, do not surpress or avoid them and then let them go.
  • Give yourself time and space to reflect.
  • Think about options. Brainstorm with no limitations or “what-if’s” or “should-have’s”.
  • Really think through your intentions and write them down.
  • Take action—even if it is just baby steps where you take manageable steps that move you to where it is you want to be.

I urge you to chose to be a participant in your life. I look forward to hearing from you on how you are transforming from a spectator to a participant!


The Universe is You

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“We are part of this universe; we are in this universe, but perhaps more important than both of those facts, is that the universe is in us.”

~ Neil deGrasse Tyson

When we talk about change and intention, of ascension, etc. it is often in the context of the Universe and this “Universe” being an entity or even a higher or divine being—and external to you as a physical being. It gets positioned as this separate, larger force or energy and sometimes it gets personified. We read or hear such things as to put your intentions out into the Universe, the Universe will provide for you, the Universe will tell you what to do, the Universe will support you, etc. 

This is true. The Universe—as an amazing, powerful, collective and connected energy source made up of each and every one of us—past, present and future—will 100 percent support you in creating a life you love by giving you the challenges, experiences, tools, skills and relationships you need in order to get to where you want to go—to fulfill your soul’s intention.

We as humans exist in a multi-dimensional spiritual Universe, and each of us were soul beings before we were born into the world. Each of us are energy sources as well. So, with this, we are not separate from the Universe, and each of us is more than an individual piece of the Universe. We are the Universe. You are the Universe. You are the vortex where the entire energy of the Universe comes alive. You are the focus of the Universe that makes you possible.  universe in you

This is tremendous and amazing, especially when you think about this is terms of your intentions and how you have the power to change, and in doing so change the world. You can tap into the amazing resource of you—of what you were, who you are and what you will be to work toward your intentions and purpose.  As I have said in past posts, the answers you seek, the life you truly desire are within you—in the Universe.

The strongest, most powerful connection to everything that can guide you is actually within you. So often, we get caught up in thinking that we need to “trust the Universe” and some external force is going to take care of things. When we do this, we position ourselves as dependent or dis-empowered relative to some elevated idea of the Universe. Instead, think and know that the Universe is you. You are the elevated or divine being. In saying that you need to trust the Universe—you are trusting yourself and you are empowering yourself.

Everyday, the Universe—you—are giving signals and signs to help you on your life’s journey and to your purpose. The critical thing (and one of the hardest) to remember is that the journey and your purpose do not have an end or some expiration date. We are constantly evolving and paying attention to the signals and signs will greatly help us.

If you are clear about what you want, but the Universe—you—keeps presenting something that you’re resisting, it’s time to uncover what it is you need to learn, gain or experience. Sometimes the things you are resisting are the necessary part of the journey and you are not going to get through that part of the journey if you continue to push back. Listen to yourself. Stay open and receptive. When you hear, see or experience something that triggers a physical or emotional reaction or a sense of truth, and instinctively know it feels right, you have the answer.

Intention, Attention and Course Correction

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“A good intention clothes itself with power.”

~Ralph Waldo Emerson


Throughout the year I have talked about intention—to have in mind a purpose or plan, to direct the mind and to aim; to do something with purpose and desire. An intention reframes the way you see a situation so that you can approach it in the best possible way—consciously choosing how to act, think and be. Your intentions have the power to change your perspective, open your mind and shift your experience.

Determining your intentions (thoughts), clearly stating them (words) and putting them in motion (actions) are all connected. For some there is, however, a disconnect. They may have stated intentions and dreams, but are not fully acting on them. And some may wonder why their intentions are not being realized or progressing. This is the time to deeply reflect and be honest about what is at play.

If you want to know what is going on in the deepest levels of your life, look to your results. Your life will always express what is going on deep inside of you. If your results are out of line with your stated intentions it’s time for some self examination. It is time to look more deeply to discover your real intentions and then work on changing those to change the way you experience your life.  staying the course

When your actions are aligned with your intentions you will create the world you seek. Remember, your results will always match your truest intentions.

Now let’s talk a bit about attention—the interest or thought that you give to something you are doing, listening to or watching. All of us give attention to something in every waking moment of the day. But most people do not pay attention to where they are putting their attention or they put their attention on things that keep them from dealing with what is going on deep inside them.

For many, their lives become driven out of habit and even an unconsicious stream of thoughts. Their intentions get lost—be it from distraction or underlying unresolved issues (fear, not wanting to let go, uncertainty, lack of confidence or excuses tied to unfounded or even unrealistic expectations). If you find yourself in these shoes, take some time to really think about where you are putting your attention, and be honest with yourself. Ask yourself if you are not dealing with unresolved issues and if you are focusing on negativity or acting (or not acting) because of fear.

Life changes when the object of your attention becomes your conscious choice. Start to put your attention on what you want to manifest and start to develop habits of giving attention to all things that support your intention, and being indifferent to those that do not. Take a first step today—and every day—to do something that demonstates your commitment to your intention. Acknowledge that you did what you said you would, and then take the next step.

What you put your attention on grows strong in your life. In short, develop your intentions carefully, attach to them emotionally and act with bold intent!

Just Be

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“There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting.”

– Buddha


Living in this time of change can be difficult and unsettling. We are in a time of great awakening and spiritual growth, but our physical beings are uncomfortable and find it difficult to adjust and may keep introducing feelings of fear and distress. There can be feelings of uncertainty, not belonging, boredom, and even questioning what to do with this life, etc.

Going through our daily lives during this evolutionary time—regardless of your stage of life, if employed/unemployed, in a relationship/not in a relationship, in school/not in school, etc.—can have many questioning themselves, their purpose and what to do. Some may try to find solace in routine, or trying to keep busy; or breaking way; trying new things; or reminiscing, etc. It is important to remember to live consciously through this time and not lose sight of the amazing and good things that are on the horizon. We are trained, if you will, to deflect, replace or ignore what we may be feeling. Now is the time to get more in tune with your emotions and with yourself.

sun path

It is hard sometimes not to give into the inner voices of fear or distress—regardless of your circumstances. Many may feel broken or beaten down, and even lost. Now is the time to recognize these feelings as reminders of the change and a process of letting go and moving forward. Now is the time to lean on all the work you have done on your personal change and to use your framework for change. Now is time to let go of inflexible attitudes or unyielding modes of behavior.

It can be hard not to “give in” to the negative voices, to keep looking back or trying to find answers in this physical world. But I implore you to look forward and remember that we are in a time of gaining a spiritual maturity, where new discoveries about yourself and the World will be revealed. It is important to consciously participate in this process.

I know each of you have the strength and certainty deep inside you. As you go through your daily experiences and routines, do not let the uncertainty or feeling “homeless” or in “limbo” distract you. Try to think of the voices you are hearing and the emotional and physical affects of this ascension as reminders that you are getting closer to your freedom from Universal and self-imposed limitations.

New channels are opening for you. This is a powerful shift. The journey through this change and process can be mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually exhausting so best to try to stay positive, stay in trust, stay in compassion, stay in love, stay in gratitude; to be you, to love you; to take care of yourself; to get more sunshine and fresh air; to rest, to laugh—and to just be.You are in the embrace of the Universe and all will be well.

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