“Everything comes to us that belongs to us if we create the capacity to receive it.”
Rabindranath Tagore
As we stand at the beginning of a New Year let us not lose sight of the growth that we each have achieved and the experiences we have had in 2015. Let us take these with us into the New Year.
For many the beginning of a New Year brings closure to the past. However, in this closure it is important to keep the learnings, the insight, and the awakenings we have had with us. For some life is experienced in a linear fashion and this time of a New Year is a time to close the door on the previous year—with joy and happiness, hope, or sadness or fear. In doing so they forget that all the experiences, feelings, and emotions of the year added to the fabric of them and to the Universe.
New Year’s is an amazing time. It is a time to take stock of ourselves and the world in which we live, to set new goals and intentions, and to ride the energy wave and spirit of the holiday season. It is a time to reflect and to make peace with and accept our past, to accept who we are and why, and to let go of things not working in our lives. Equally, it is important to be conscious of the constant state of change, to our energy and vibration, and to be fully cognizant of our thoughts, words and actions.
Everyday, regardless of how routine or mundane it may seem, provides lessons, presents choices and opens doors to new opportunities. Some of these may be subtle and quiet and some may be big and loud, and even unexpected or disruptive. Remember to embrace them all and to acknowledge and welcome all the emotions that come along. Key here is to be fully present in your life and to follow your instincts.
Everyday we are in ascension—the process by which our energy and consciousness rises in harmony with our true Self, where we find new focus in life on earth, and where we rise to a higher level of being. Our vibrations are rising and our higher consciousness is increasingly able to reside or live within our physical bodies. Through ascension, our bodies, emotions, minds and even genetic makeup are changing.
This is a time for celebration and a season to nurture the growth of this new world within yourself and around you. Your “new” self is already present. It is your soul. Keep your focus on this and try not to get distracted. Do not lose your soul’s signal or fight or suppress what you may be feeling. Believe in yourself and the Universe. Not believing will diminish the power and the energy of you. You were born with the power to turn your thoughts into reality and destined to live your purpose in joy and happiness. Believe that you have all you need within you and through your connectedness with the Universe.
As we turn the calendar page to 2016, let’s jump into all the days believing in ourselves and the greatness and diviness in ourselves. Happy New Year!