Energy Interference

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A breakthrough occurs when you recognize you are more energy than matter.”

 ~ Caroyln Myss, Intuitive Healer


We are all energy beings. Everything is energy, including our thoughts. We are all sensitive to energy. Most of us can recall when we were in the presence of someone and we felt good, comfortable, energized, etc. Likewise, we can recall when we were in the presence of someone and we felt uncomfortable, agitated, tired, etc.

For many an energetic reaction to someone happens more frequently than realized, and some may find themselves wondering why they may feel tired, sad, off or upset at the end of what they define as a normal day.

Everything and everyone has a resonance at a particular frequency which we may or may not perceive, depending on our own unique abilities. Negative thoughts, emotions and intent, all resonate at a particular vibration. This vibration tends to coalesce into what some label as fourth dimensional energy. It can be viewed as the chaos of the world that has no specific form, but coalesces due to mutual attraction, all resonating around a similar frequency.

It is all around us and part of us, and it is this chaos that offers the potential for some energies to take form in co-creation with us. In other words, we create them. In short, everything as energy has the potential to affect us or interfere with our energy. cloud swirl mountain

There are several definitions of interference but to help illustrate the impact of energy interference on us, we can use the definition of interference as confusion of a received radio signal due to the presence of noise or signals from two or more transmitters on a single frequency or something that produces confusion. As energy beings we are sensitive to energy and noise. Some people are more sensitive or aware than others.

Being sensitive to energy is a good thing. It means that you are in touch with yourself, your feelings and emotions. Your feelings (and instincts) are a built-in natural guidance system.  But sometimes being sensitive to energy can be challenging if you do not know how to manage it—as when other people’s low vibrating energies or those who are intentionally or unintentionally seeking your energy come onto your path.

It can be hard not to let other people’s low energy affect your own vibration if you have not learned how to focus your mind and deliberately create. But if you follow your natural guidance and consciously choose what to focus on, you allow others to be in their energetic state while you can stand firmly in your power or energy.  But when you find yourself in an energy interference situation, you can take a few steps to help.

Remind yourself that whatever you focus on will get bigger by the Universal laws of attraction. If you react or join others in their low energy you will include it in your own experience. Shift the collective energy by resetting your mind-set and focusing on something else.

Decide where you want to be and do not get stuck in other people’s drama. If the momentum of the low vibrating energy has picked up, remove yourself from it. Go for a walk, excuse yourself and do whatever works for you to take action to move away from it.

Shield yourself by imagining or visualizing a white light around yourself and think of it as a tool that blocks outs low vibrating energy.

I hope these techniques help you and would like to hear from you on how you manage energy interference.


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“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.”

Lao Tzu


Sometimes in our lives we find ourselves feeling tired, run down or even used. While helping others and service is what we want to provide to the world, we also have to make sure that we are being served. Otherwise we get to a state of exhaustion. We are responsible for replenishing our own energy.

People will take from us as much as we are willing to give. When we take a break and revitalize ourselves we can re-energize others. Revitalizing ourselves is honoring our soul.

The process of revitalization is to surrender whatever is keeping you from your path and taking action on your intentions. It involves getting the influence of others out of your system. It is a letting go of the things not working in your life anymore. In a way it is a clearing of debris. We all have our own journeys where we learn to grow and break chains of pain we have created in our worlds. sun rise tree2

The process of revitalization is to let go of worry. Worry has no significance. It de-energizes. Find the things that bring you joy and bring them into your life. Fill your life with what energizes and rejuvenates you.

Revitalization is not a reset, since we are not going back to a past time or the way things once were. It is about moving forward. Sometimes this also has a physical element of returning things to where they belong, getting rid of things that are standing in your way of moving forward. It is a physical manifestation of letting go and a clearing so that we can take the next step and move ahead

We all have wonderful abilities, but seldom accomplish great things with limited thinking. We are limitless and have the ability to transform ourselves with intent and taking action to enact the intent. Intention is the magnifier that creates our world.

Being clear on your intentions activates the energy to connect you with your desires, and opens the ability to listen to your intuition.  In short, clearing debris, trusting your intuition, strengthening your intentions and expanding your awareness will guide you to your goals and revitalize your soul.

Check in on your Frequency

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“Vibe high and the magic around you will unfold.”

Akilnathan Logeswaran


In this blog we have often spoke about vibration. Everything in the Universe is vibrational in nature, including you. The essence of what you are is pure energy with vibrational frequency that oscillates. Your vibrational frequency essentially determines your quality of experiences—situations, opportunities and relationships.

As we are living in time of great change and evolution with what seems like a continuous stream of conflicts and challenges, it can be difficult not to be impacted and to have associated feelings of frustration, fear, doubt, confusion and even blame.  On the spectrum of vibration frequency these are on the lower side vs the higher vibrational frequencies of joy, calm, happiness, etc.

Now more than ever it is important to check in on your vibrational frequency and to keep tabs on it. Your vibrational frequency is determined by what dominates your thoughts and the beliefs you hold in your consciousness. Think for a moment of when you feel good and the thoughts you have. Think for a moment of when you feel bad and the thoughts you have.

As we are humans, it is normal to have variations in our frequencies as our thoughts are impacted by what is going on around us, and it is possible to vibrate at different frequencies on different topics and in different settings. But when you start to have an imbalance and your thoughts are generating lower vibration frequencies, it may be time to take action to raise your thoughts. cosmic frequency2

Vibration is influenced by thought, and for the most part this is done at an unconscious level. Your mind is like a powerful quantum computer and if you are not checking in on how its programmed it can easily be run by external forces such as media, family, institutions, etc. If you are not paying close attention your lower vibrating frequencies will impact your intentions and attract or manifest more of what you do not want.

Think about it this way, as your thoughts become more life affirming and encouraging your life will respond likewise. Overall, it is about becoming responsible for your mental energy, and if you want to raise your vibration you need to raise your thoughts.

All of our natural vibration is high but we often let in worries, judgement, victimhood, holding onto the past in some way, among others that interfere with this natural frequency. Plus, what keeps us vibrating low is when we consciously focus on what we do not want or do not like and imagine future undesirable outcomes or experiences. The good news is that at any given moment you can become responsible for how you feel and how you vibrate, and raise your mental and emotional energy.

But to master this you need to practice this. It is critical to work at mastering your thoughts-knowing that, yes, our vibrations will oscillate and many times the reset button will be hit.  There is no magic answer or process and most likely changing your view of the world will not happen overnight.  So, in short, you cannot look at this from a “to-do” or “check list” perspective. To help you on your way below are some guidelines.

  • Reclaim your worth and stop asking the outside world to prove that you are worthy
  • Appreciate yourself and listen to yourself
  • Release disempowering beliefs of victimhood and being powerless
  • Stop giving your power away by reacting to low vibrating people or situations
  • Take conscious responsibility for your life and be a conscious creator
  • Remove the drama
  • Practice gratitude
  • Laugh more

I encourage you to take your first steps today to checking and raising your vibration.

Push Pull

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“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.” 

Jalaluddin Rumi


In this blog we often address the concepts of the Universal truths and our soul’s intention and purpose. We have explored being at peace with yourself, where you are and where you have been, and that you are exactly where you are supposed to be at any given point in your life as we are here to experience. These experiences create who we are and how we evolve.

With this, we have given insight into the careful manifestation of intent. The Universe will put in front of us opportunities that help direct us to our evolution and next phase or season of our lives, and ultimately provide what we need.

This does not necessarily mean that we should idly wait for things to happen. We need to be in-tune with ourselves and our surroundings and understand ourselves as best as we can so that when opportunities—be it through the channels of events, people, information—are presented we can clearly see them and decide the energy we invest in them.

But note, that it can be difficult to put energy and focus into an externality without first investing energy in yourself—your mind, body and soul. When you have a better understanding of yourself—what motivates you, what you like and do not like, your values, your beliefs, your true intentions and goals—then you have more confidence in your instincts and are able to ascertain or evaluate the opportunities put on your path.cosmic cloud wave

This brings me to what I would like to explore in this post—that of push and pull motivation. Push motivations are when we push ourselves toward our goals or to achieve something. This something can be a range of things, from good health, financial security, prestige, etc. Push motivation can be easily influenced by our upbringing, other’s expectations, misunderstood values or beliefs.

These forces can easily confuse why we are doing something. The intention or goal may sound or feel like what we aspire to achieve, but along the way too much noise gets in and we can find ourselves driving toward a goal that is not relevant any longer or not really what we want. In general, push motivation is when we are essentially pushing ourselves away from something to something else.

Pull motivation is defined as the opposite of push. Pull motivation is when we are drawn to a deeply desired point. With pull motivation, we are not pushing ourselves away from something, be it a set of circumstances, relationships, what we do not like or what we fear, and that are quite influenced by expectation. We are being pulled toward something.

In pull motivation, we get beyond the noise so that we are able to listen to our instincts and our deeply held wishes and intentions. In pull motivation we tap into our most inner selves and the subsequent actions we take are aligned with our values and beliefs, and with our purpose.  Pull motivation comes from a place of a sense of presence and engagement. This is a much stronger motivation and where we can more clearly see the opportunities that are presented to us and know when it feels “right” to pursue them.

In Motion

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“I move, therefore I am.”

~ Haruki Murakami, 1Q84

As humans it is hard to be still. We tend to want continuous motion or progression. Maybe it is because it has been instilled in us since a very young age with an evolving list of milestones, such as first steps, first words, first dates, advancement through school, first job, promotions at work, or accolades, awards and recognition for contributions or achievements.  As we get older, we seemingly are driven to get to the next milestone, sometimes not only for ourselves but for some type of social acceptance or inclusion.

Maybe our desire for continuous motion comes from the evolutionary process of the human development, whereby we progressed our physical and behavioral traits over a period of six million years from apelike to where we are today. As we are more advanced human beings (relative to where we began and where are are now, but noting via ascension progression will continue), there are times where we feel like we are being idle or, at least, not moving forward in our personal lives. shooting past earth

In this state we seek more—to do more, be more—or to do or be something different.  We may feel that if we are still too long, we are not advancing or we are losing our “edge” and therefore losing our relevancy or sustainability. We ask ourselves are we personally becoming extinct or an “endangered species.”

It may be that we are not discontent or unhappy, but feeling bored. Our bodies and souls feel a need for new experiences, but where we want or need to have those experiences are not yet formed or built. We are waiting for various pieces to come together, and it can be difficult to see that our current experiences and people put on our path are all part of the evolution.

We can have gratitude for where we are and what we have but still feel a desire (maybe an instinct) to have forward motion. It is not that we are being ungrateful or selfish. We simply have the human desire to cultivate other things in our lives—to make a contribution, to be creative, to help others, etc., and this is movement.

If we have movement, we may feel more alive and in the moment. It may not necessarily be about advancement for more or better, but the movement is almost like a catalyst for our purpose and our existence.

Movement helps us make sense of the world and ourselves. Movement is fundamental to our sense of self and existence.

Pursuit of Happiness

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“Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it.”

~ Budda


For most of us we are on a pursuit of happiness—however you may define happiness (which can take many different forms and morph over the seasons of our lives).  The founders of the United States understood the pursuit of happiness to be a fundamental right. But just because we have that freedom for that pursuit, does not mean we are always good at it. For the most part, we are passionate about happiness and some of us will go though great lengths to get it, yet the pursuit of happiness can remain elusive.

It is difficult for most people to answer yes to the question “are you happy?” One reason may be that they do not know what their values are or what they value—often because of distraction and imposed expectations (your own or others). It is easy to lose sight of what matters most in the pressures and routines of daily life. Losing focus happens.

It is worth contemplating how much of your time and energy everyday is focused on what you value most. When things are not going the way you want them to, how quickly do you return your attention to the quality of life you want to create and have?

There are many reasons why we lose focus in our pursuit of happiness. This list can be quite extensive. But overall there are a few that rise to the top and are common to most of us.

  • Money: We often confuse wants and needs and spend more than we have, putting ourselves into a cycle of debt and constant worry about finances.
  • Relationships: The company we keep can affect our behaviors for better or worse and sometimes we are in relationships that do not match our values or beliefs or are just not healthy for us. Sun rising bridge
  • Pride: We get caught up in worrying about what people think about us. It is hard to sustain an image that is different from reality.
  • Power: We want to be in control or have what we think is an “important” or influential position.
  • Entitlement: When we think we earned something and that something is “owed” to us, we often end up not making the best decisions, being angry or envious.

All these result in distraction and before we know it habits or behavior and thinking are formed and become the why we live and function—therefore impeding our own pursuit of happiness.

As your fundamental (and Universal) right to happiness, you have the power and the wisdom to break the cycle. The first step is to be completely honest with yourself. Bring your fears and your truth to the surface, face them head on and this will reveal the areas of your life for change. This will help you understand what you value most.  To help you take action, here are a few steps.

  • Contemplate and write down when you have lost your focus.
  • From the list, what is one area or a common theme that rises to the top with which you struggle the most?
  • Think about why and set an intention to make change.
  • Work consciously a little bit everyday to put the intention into thoughts, words and actions. Over the course of time the change you seek will happen and become your new norm.

The quality of your life is for you to define, create and live. Take a step back and ask yourself are you happy and if you hesitate take time to think about why and empower yourself to make a change.

When You Stop . . .

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“ . . .  live everything  . . .  Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.”

~ Rainer Maria Rilke


We often address change and letting go in this blog. We have shared insights about making space in our lives—by conscious choice or not—and how to navigate periods of unknowing through reflection and coming to terms with who we are, where we are and why.

We all have seasons in our lives where what we are experiencing does not seem to make sense in the context of what preceded it and where we feel disconnected. In these periods of spaciousness it is hard to discern if we are in the process of letting go, stagnated or simply in a time in our lives of not knowing and where we need to experience the discomfort and mystery of these times—and, yes, the power of these times as they are rich and foster growth.

However, in this post I would like to talk about letting go and the periods of spaciousness from the perspective of the discomfort some experience when they no longer feel a need to or to use their usual or routine steps in their decision making, creative and overall thinking or actions. Most of us have experienced this at some level and time in our lives.

For example, someone might have been the great list maker, diligently writing down all the “to-do’s” and checking them off in sequence—but may find themselves not wanting to make the lists anymore and not making the lists anymore. Someone might have had to go through a detailed and time-consuming process of writing long-hand or typing detailed outlines and notes for a paper or presentation—but may find themselves frustrated by that process and feel de-energized by having to take those steps. man in forest mist

It really is a state or phase of personal evolution, but when in this state some feel as if they are distracted, not remembering things, or that if they do not lean on these once usual steps the outcome will not be good or that something will go wrong. They fall into judging themselves and leap to fear-based state that something is not right.

It is hard to let go of deeply instilled and some would say habit-like processes we develop over time, especially when you are in a place (e.g., work, home, school or other social setting) that expects these types of processes to be used and demonstrated.  It is difficult to trust yourself that you do not have to put yourself through the rigor and time-consuming tactical steps without some unfortunate outcome. It is hard to understand why you are feeling this way.

Look at it this way. You are growing and evolving and as you evolve you are more in-tune with the outcome, the answer or what should be done, and you no longer need to do what you once did. You are reaching a new level in your ascension where you are tapping into Universal knowledge and where your instincts will guide you.

Over the course of your life you have been cataloging an enormous amount of information. You have been taught and have developed routines, habits and processes for how you do things so much so that when you start to shed them that it feels uncomfortable and uneasy, and you may even feel that you are losing your edge. You may feel that you are losing the time-honored characteristic that seemed to be valued by others and even yourself.

The truth is you no longer need the long processes—shortcuts have been formed, deep knowledge deposited and now clear paths for access put in place. It is OK to let go of how and why you have done things. If you are increasingly experiencing this uneasiness but deep-down you know that not having to put yourself through those ingrained processes is liberating, you are on your intended path. Embrace it.

Pave Your Own Path

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“Do not overrate what you have received, nor envy others. He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind.”



In a time where we are compelled to follow and like others and where we are connected 24/7 to an influx of messages, ads, information, etc., we can fall into the trap of having others pave our path or set our direction. We can begin to define ourselves by the acceptance of others but not by ourselves.

Inadvertently we get influenced or distracted by what others are doing or saying and by the increasing noise around us. We may start to long to be like others, to have more things, to have different life styles, etc. We create expectations for ourselves that are not aligned with our true selves—as we have lost sight of who we are.

We live in a “cookie-cutting” factory with the aim of maintaining consistency and compliance. We live in an environment of followers, and more so, a society that rewards or recognizes following as a good or preferred thing. And social media encourages this. rocks mountains sun

It is common behavior to follow others among us. This is somewhat of a flaw in current social design, and seemingly getting worse by a world wide phenomena–fueled by social media—of measuring our selves by who we follow, who is following us and who likes us. This trap keeps us preoccupied, distracted and in-line to follow or copy others by design. In this state are we really expressing who we truly are? Are we mindlessly hitting the “like” button without contemplating what we are liking? Are we following others since it seems that everyone else is?

Yes, it is an amazing thing on one hand that we have tools that help keep us connected to those not in our physical space. But is the following of others in this online world leaving us with a false sense of connection? Is it promulgating a behavior of constantly comparing ourselves to others? Is it creating lower vibrating energies of envy and want?

We are conditioned to believe that our net worth equates to happiness, and with this many people strive to be more, do more and have more. But do these actions and things give happiness, contentment or peace?  Many strive to have more connections and see what others are doing but do so from a smart phone or computer screen and do not get out in the world. They forget to look up and look forward, and for some it keeps them looking back.

It is easy today to get caught up in following others and comparing yourself to others, and it is easy to go along with crowd. I encourage you to stop and contemplate the questions I put out in this post. I encourage you to take a different route by listening and hearing you, and to pave your own path.


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“I don’t like to recreate steps that I’ve already walked. I like to see if I can recreate something new.”

~ Jeffery Wright


As we move through life and this time of ascension it is tempting to long for the past and to a time and place that once was. In this current dimension, we are living in times where there is turbulence and a feeling of uncertainty of what is on the horizon. But this turbulence is a sign of the Universal evolution that is underway and enlightenment. It can feel uncomfortable as we try to make sense of it all and sense the energy shifts.

As we stand at the end of something and the beginning of something else, we often look to the past, some may want to hold onto the past and some may even try to recreate it. It is OK to look back as long as you continue to move forward. Our experiences from the past add to who we are today, but we really can’t repeat or recreate the past because we are not the same person we were in the past and the people around us, our environments and circumstances are not the same either. Our respective energies and the composition of all things around us has changed.

There is a comfort in the past, and in times of feeling uncertain, lonely, frightened or confused, we long to go back to a place where we had a transcendent experience in the hopes of recreating the magic, but we end up disappointed and empty since it cannot be recreated. The people may be the “same” or the places look the same, but it does not feel the same. time and space

The magic is not the place or the same combination of people, circumstances, etc., it was being in that moment and authentically connecting to the people and circumstances. And since all these pieces have changed, it really cannot be recreated.  It is easy to attribute our experiences to our physical surroundings rather than to our own mindful engagement with those surroundings and people.

It matters not where we are and what we are doing, if we are living in the moment and open to letting things unfold, and trust that we are meant to be right where we are at any given moment, we have the potential to feel connected, content and calm—and not just to the circumstances we think are ideal. The feeling of nostalgia from the past is rooted not in the circumstances, but in being in the moment and truly connected in the time.  We all have the potential to create and have new experiences simply by cultivating a mindful attitude and looking forward versus looking back.

Dwelling in the past will make the future fall short, keep you cycling through bad habits, unhealthy relationships and behaviors and ultimately making you feel lost.  The past shapes you, but it does not define you.  If your present is a reflection of your desire for the past and things to be how they once were, and to create the past again in your future, this is feat that is impossible. To continue to grow and live a positive life it is important to let go of what was and to celebrate what is, and embrace what is and what is to come.

Not Yet – A Season of Wait

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“Honor the space between no longer and not yet”

~Nancy Levin


Spring in the Northeast has been what seems like many false starts or grand leaps to summer like days. One day it is warm and sunny and you feel like we have turned the corner, only to wake up the next day to a gray, cold and rainy day. Not quite yet is the message. Or we fast forward to warm, humid days, where we feel like we completely missed spring only to be quickly brought back to chilly days. Yet another not yet.

For many the “not yet” space in their lives can be frustrating, challenging and uncomfortable—almost feeling like a cruel test of the Universe. Many times in these “not yet” or seasons of wait there are false starts or tempting promises that give us the impression that the wait is over and momentum in a new space will begin; or there are opportunities presented to us that are undefined, unclear and amorphous and we feel that we are waiting for things to align or gel. It does test one’s resolve. It is hard to sit in silence of the unwritten story of our lives and find comfort in this space.  pier sun

Even with intense intention, sometimes we are put in a season of wait for longer than we anticipated or want. Even with trying to make things happen, we have to wait, not even knowing what we are waiting for. In this state it is easy to lose sight of how important emptiness or space is to the creative process of our ascension and change—the potential of an empty canvas, a blank page or the pause in a musical composition.

In the not yet we can find ourselves restless and bored, and just want it to be over or at least for the Universe to give us a sign of what is after the wait—a peek into the next season.  We question why is nothing happening or getting off the ground. But in this not yet state, there is much transformation going on.

The transformation for some is within themselves—providing a season where they recreate themselves. For others, they are put in a holding pattern until the space to which they will go to make an impact or create is ready. In short, the people and circumstances they will encounter and lead have not transformed to a working or functioning ecosystem where they can make significant, radical change.

Not yet is a place of discomfort. The fine edges it presents—like between light and dark or land and sea—can give rise to impatience with ourselves or annoyance with the pieces of the Universe that have not evolved to where they are ready for us. But we must hold onto the hope and knowledge that the emergence from the wait will be rich.

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