As we get ready to step into 2017–with many of us making resolutions and commitments as our first foot forward into the new year—it is a good time to reflect and to better understand our emotions, and to release the low vibrating ones so that we don’t recycle them in 2017 and beyond.
The past cannot be undone, but you can change how you think and feel about it and react to it. The future will be, but spending your energy being there before it happens (possibly with worry, consternation, anxiety, etc.) stagnates you and you can easily lose sight of where you are. As you start 2017, restore your spirit by releasing the low vibration emotions of envy, jealously, anger, fear, contempt, hate, shame, blame and sadness (among others) and work at being in the moment without the baggage of the past and the “stocking-up of supplies” for the future.
Low vibrating emotions essentially accumulate over the course of our lives, and we tend to store them, and in a strange way they become familiar and almost comfortable. We essentially train ourselves to rely on them (as a crutch or excuse) and dwell in them, even seeking out others who feel the same way (we all know that expression of “misery loves company”). This double-downs on the low vibrating emotions, further suppressing their release since we then keep depositing more into a storage bank that soon becomes full and overwhelming.
Your unique soul will let you know what emotions and feelings need to be or are ready for release. Know that some may require more time to release than others since they may be very deeply ingrained in you or you may need to work through a few cycles of release as your soul may need to experience them to come to reconciliation and peace so they can ultimately be released.
The release of low vibrating energies (through low vibrating emotions) is a process. You cannot emancipate yourself from low vibrating emotions unless you are willing to be conscious of the things, people or patterns that trigger them, and you should be willing to lean into them and relax so the suppressed low vibrating energies can flow out.
Over your life—from your experiences and behaviors—you have conditioned yourself towards a certain way of thinking and feeling, (for many) enabling a pattern and habit of coming to low vibrating perceptions and conclusions before higher vibrating perceptions and conclusions. This leads you to be more likely to feel emotions of anxiety, nervousness, restlessness, etc., which are inherently low vibrating.
You can only release low vibrating (some might say negative) energy and emotions by allowing it versus resisting it. The old adage of what you resist will persist holds true. Many people think they can free themselves of low vibrating emotions by ignoring or suppressing them—and somehow over time they will be forgotten and go away. But they don’t.
This suppression accumulates and lingers which will trigger the same or similar emotions in the future. Holding onto these emotions and energies interferes with a more harmonious flow of energy, and can cause blockages to your body, mind and spiritual growth. When you start to feel the low vibrating emotions, make a conscious effort to relax. You can do this through deep breathing, meditation and being mindful.
Consciously feel the energy created by the emotion in your body. Let go of the energy by not resisting it, but by letting it flow. The more you practice surrendering to the emotion and to the flow and the process, you will more quickly move through emotions and be able to release them. Think of it this way, the suppressed emotions want to leave, and if you calm your mind and relax your body, they can rise up and be released.
As you take the first gentle steps into 2017, listen to your body and soul, relax and let go. And fill the new spaces formed with higher-vibrating energies and emotions. Wishing all a healthy and happy New Year!