Flip the Paradigm

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“Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny.”― Mahatma Gandhi


As we are in a universal state of change many of us are taking an inward journey through our souls and undertaking an examination of ourselves. We are working to understand what makes us happy, to accept and love ourselves, to let go of negativity and to be in tune with energy flows. Admittedly this is not an easy journey, especially since we are going through this process in existing paradigms filled with a legacy of expectations, norms and institutions.

It can be confusing as we navigate through various paradoxes and we begin to question ourselves and others. It can be frustrating as we feel that one day we have made great progress or had breakthroughs only to feel disappointed the next day. It can be demanding—even mentally and physically draining—as our bodies try to adjust to changes in energy flow and our brains are in an interesting state of trying to reconcile thoughts, words and actions.

When I contemplate this, I find that one very significant factor at play is the power of thought and how by human nature we tend to gravitate to the negative. For many, we measure our progress or take stock of how we are feeling from the negative side. Instead of looking at the good we have done, what we positively contributed, what we have produced, influenced, accomplished, etc., we tend to go to what “went wrong,” why something didn’t work out, or where we think we took two steps back vs one step forward. Self doubt enters the picture and we start to lose our faith in the Universe and the positive energy and change in play. We get distracted or hung up on trying to fix the things we don’t like and sometimes lose our focus on the things we like, what we did well, etc.


I have talked about this throughout the year, but I do want to bring it back up again. This is the power of thought and the wonderful connection and flow of thoughts, words and actions.  It is simple, but simple does not always mean easy. Many people forget or may not truly understand the power of thought. Today, it is common to get caught up in the day to day and get in an autopilot mode—whereby we are doing most things out of habit. We are creating our reality unconsciously.

Whether we are aware of it or not, we create our reality with our thoughts and behavior. And what’s amazing is that this means we all have the power to choose to be a conscious, mindful creator and change our reality to what we want it to be and what it is destined to be.  Remember, you choose your thoughts, you choose your behavior and you choose the outcome. Every choice you make determines how you feel physically, mentally and emotionally. You are not doomed to repeat the same actions over and over again. You are not sentenced to walk through life aimlessly to some unknown destination. You have the power through your thoughts, words and actions. As divine beings, we are all creators.

We have the ability to impact ourselves through our thoughts, which will in turn become our words and in turn become our actions.  Think about it this way. What we think often about comes out of our mouth and into others ears. Our thoughts are the prelude to our words. Our words impact how we feel about ourselves and they can impact how others think and feel.  Our words create action. They can motivate, move us and inspire us. So watch what you think and be aware of the words that come from your thoughts, and the actions that follow your words. As a creator, create!

As you create, a good starting point is to be grateful. Think of the good that you have done. Own that. Embrace that. Through owning the positive you will be able to also take responsibility with an open mind and heart for things that may not have been so positive.  Find peace with your past, accept who you are now and start each day with gratification. When you wake tomorrow, ask yourself, do I want to think and act like I did yesterday, or do I choose to flip the paradigm?

I hope you share with us how you flipped the paradigm!

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