The Power of Nothingness
“After all, true patience is the Master’s final lesson” – Kung Fu, The Legend Continues
Sometimes it seems like nothing is happening in our life. By nothing, I mean the things we’d like to see happen in our life whether that be goals we’ve set for ourselves or just things we want to have. What we usually do when this happens, is start to get restless and impatient. When we get this way, we start to do things that go against our personal values and principles.
What’s funny about this, (if you could call it that) is that when this usually happens, you were in many cases so close to having what you thought you wanted and you didn’t even know it. Go figure. A lot of times the universe tests us. You could even say the universe is always testing us. Are we ready for the next step in our personal evolution? Are we really ready for the next level in life we often dream about, whatever that may be for each of us?
This ironically, is the time when we need to stick to our guns the most. A good analogy that comes to mind is when you are working out, and you have that one extra rep, or few seconds left to hold in a particular pose or stance that will take you further than you ever pushed yourself before. At that moment you have a choice to make… you can either quit and say you’ll get it next time or you can stick it out.
This is when the most progress is made, in that moment when you either compromise and give in or make that choice that is the right one, albeit the seemingly more difficult one at the time. It’s like we have to keep having to remind ourselves that we are on the right path because it’s so easy to take that same old road back that always gets us nowhere.
‘Evidence’ is one thing that can really help to propel us forward toward seeing our desires come to fruition. Unfortunately though, when we don’t see it we fall back into old bad habits and negative patterns. Know and understand this, you are always creating in the moment you either think about something, write about it or take action on it. We are creative beings and we are always creating our reality.
So as long as we can recognize and accept this fact, we can feel confident that we are moving forward in a positive way, although we may not see the evidence or concrete reality formed of what we would like to see right in front of us yet. Looking at things this way, we know we are not just fooling ourselves.
Back to nothing happening. Nothing can be a great thing actually, and only in the space of nothing can something be created. Nothing is neither positive or negative, but the primordial space where everything springs from. Like the Chinese philosophical concept of Wuji, from which the universe and the positive/negative duality or Taiji ( Supreme Ultimate ) sprang, Wuji literally means: limitless; infinite; nothingness.
If we can be patient and embrace nothing, and by patient I mean total acceptance of nothing happening with no expectations beyond it. Total acceptance of it to the point where we can truly let go of wanting ‘that thing’ and really be okay with having nothing happen for the forseeable future.
When we can enter this space in our minds and embrace it, endless possibilities open up. In this space we can relax and let go; in this space creative potential starts to flow. In this space of nothingness the universe starts handing us limitless options and opportunities. Ironically, we end up getting much more than we originally wanted and it happens effortlessly.