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“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.”

Lao Tzu


Sometimes in our lives we find ourselves feeling tired, run down or even used. While helping others and service is what we want to provide to the world, we also have to make sure that we are being served. Otherwise we get to a state of exhaustion. We are responsible for replenishing our own energy.

People will take from us as much as we are willing to give. When we take a break and revitalize ourselves we can re-energize others. Revitalizing ourselves is honoring our soul.

The process of revitalization is to surrender whatever is keeping you from your path and taking action on your intentions. It involves getting the influence of others out of your system. It is a letting go of the things not working in your life anymore. In a way it is a clearing of debris. We all have our own journeys where we learn to grow and break chains of pain we have created in our worlds. sun rise tree2

The process of revitalization is to let go of worry. Worry has no significance. It de-energizes. Find the things that bring you joy and bring them into your life. Fill your life with what energizes and rejuvenates you.

Revitalization is not a reset, since we are not going back to a past time or the way things once were. It is about moving forward. Sometimes this also has a physical element of returning things to where they belong, getting rid of things that are standing in your way of moving forward. It is a physical manifestation of letting go and a clearing so that we can take the next step and move ahead

We all have wonderful abilities, but seldom accomplish great things with limited thinking. We are limitless and have the ability to transform ourselves with intent and taking action to enact the intent. Intention is the magnifier that creates our world.

Being clear on your intentions activates the energy to connect you with your desires, and opens the ability to listen to your intuition.  In short, clearing debris, trusting your intuition, strengthening your intentions and expanding your awareness will guide you to your goals and revitalize your soul.

Passionate About You

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Passion—any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling

Passion—a strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm or desire for anything


Passion is a word that seems to be excessively used and confused with purpose and interestingly paired with work.  It has found its way into all sorts of environments—school, work, places of worship, neighborhood communities, etc. It has become a buzzword-like phenomena since we are told to constantly follow it.

We often hear people say that they are passionate about X or Y, but it always seems like the focus is on some external thing or force. I am pretty certain that if you asked a bunch of people what they are passionate about that you would get a bunch of varying responses. But most likely it would be about work, a hobby, a community, a relationship or an interest or call to something like music, art, learning, science, health, etc. Why does it seem that our passions are drawn to other things and people outside of ourselves?

You will not hear many people say that they are passionate about themselves. Maybe this is because it seems too self-centered or self-serving or just uncomfortable to say that we have a powerful emotion or enthusiasm for ourselves. It is just not in the “norms” of society. Maybe it is because we are not fully comfortable or accepting of ourselves or have not really spent time to know ourselves. Moon moodllow

Or could it be that through being passionate about things or people and pursuing those passions this contributes to our own well-being and happiness. It is sort of the training wheels for being passionate about ourselves. Through the experiences we have in being passionate about other things or people we learn to know how to be passionate about ourselves.

Common lore holds that when you follow your passion, bliss ensues. Which leads me to being passionate about yourself. I came across an informal poll online that asked people what they were passionate about. The one response that stood out for me was “my passion is having happiness within myself no matter what the situation.”

Being passionate about you is not selfish or conceded. It is being in-tune with yourself and thinking about and doing things (taking action) that fuels your soul. Being passionate about yourself leads you to discoveries of purpose, gives you fresh perspectives and new outlooks.

So, it is perfectly fine to have strong interests or emotions for something outside of yourself as these help you learn about yourself and contribute to who you are. Likewise, it is perfectly fine to be passionate about who you are—you—and not defined by those other things or people.