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Your true traveler finds boredom rather agreeable than painful. It is the symbol of his liberty — his excessive freedom. He accepts his boredom, when it comes, not merely philosophically, but almost with pleasure.

~ Aldous Huxley

Is boredom a message from the Universe that you are wasting your time?

Is it a message from the Universe telling you that you need to rest or take a break?

Does it mean you know what you are doing—you have mastered your life?

Is it because you lack stimulation or need to do something different?

Is it a choice?

Is it something we all need to experience to grow and learn about ourselves?

Is it a fear of self?

Is it the absence of an interesting perspective?

Is it the result of or a manifestation of frustration?

Is it stagnation of energy or maybe energy that needs to find a home or place to be unleashed?

Is it reality or truth in the ascension process—as our earthly beings in this human existence struggle with the paradox of being physically here but wanting to be or transcending to being untethered from the emotional aspects of the physicality of this existence?

Or is it as the quote by Aldous Huxley states a symbol of liberty? Cave-universe

I know this is quite a set of questions on the topic of boredom, and I hope thought provoking. More and more I see a growing population experiencing this emotion or state of being and who may struggle with what it means and why they are bored.

We are conditioned that boredom does not feel good, and has a negative connotation. It’s physically and mentally uncomfortable as we consider the source of our boredom. And there in may lie the key—why are we compelled to determine the source, the trigger, etc., as somehow if we unearth the source we can do something about it. We can make change, make it better or even make it go away.

For some, in our efforts to deal with our boredom we may make what we interpret or think of as “bad” decisions or do things we think we may not have done if we were not bored. But are these not simply the journey—stepping stones or spring boards to evolving ourselves? Why do we find it so difficult to embrace or accept our boredom and even have a desire to fight it?

It may come to some of the concepts referenced in the questions in the list above. It may be as we go through our cycles of growth and hit milestones, we may have mastered certain things or experiences and it may be a sign for a change—more so a change that is impending and regardless of what we do or not do that change will come. It is a symptom of the ascension process as we become enlightened and vibrate at higher levels in a current physical space that is changing but our fellow humans are at different levels in the process—sort of in between dimensions. It may simply be a symbol of liberty as our soul prepares to move forward in fulfilling its purpose.

So what is being bored? It is not just “the state of being weary and restless through lack of interest.”

It is more. And I ask you to contemplate your boredom and consider the possibilities.

Brain and Mind

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”You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind.”

~ Mahatma Ghandi


The brain and the mind have an intimate relationship, but the mind is different. It is a collection of thoughts, patterns, beliefs, memories and attitudes. Our brains are physical organs that serve as the center of our nervous systems, and serve as the “control tower” for coordinating our movements, thoughts and feelings. The brain is a physical entity.  Our minds, however, comprise the aspect of us that is our “Self.” It is our thinking, awareness, perception and judgement.

Your mind uses your brain, but is more than your brain.

Each one of us has a unique mind. We have unique thoughts, feelings, perceptions, memories and beliefs, and these are built over our lives from our experiences and interactions in the physical world. We each also have a unique pattern of thought and processing of information that shapes the flow of energy and information inside us, and how we share this with others. Some say that we are born with this unique pattern and that it is honed or solidified through our everyday thought processes as we live our lives and as we use our minds to think, feel and respond.

Every moment our brains are engaged—capturing and storing information, enabling us to move and physically navigate the world. In short, our brains receive input from our senses and other parts of our nervous systems. It processes these inputs and acts in response.  Our minds equally are engaged in every moment—for some more consciously or with intent and for others maybe more so on auto-pilot.

Much has been written, even researched, on the brain and mind relationship. My intent in this post is not to have a scientific or medical discussion, but to explore the brain and mind in how we use them in our daily lives and to raise awareness of their respective (and inter-related) purpose so that we do not think of them as the same, and know when to let them rest. sunrise 2

The brain is a complex organ. The mind is equally complex and amazing, maybe more so, as it is connected to or is the gateway to our consciousness and sense of Self.  The mind transcends the brain and puts us on our journey to consciousness and self awareness, and some might say to enlightenment.

That is why it is so important to be mindful—to be in the state of active, open attention in the present. When we are mindful, we observe our thoughts and feelings from a distance, without judging them good or bad. We live or are in the moment and awakening to experience.

As we are being mindful it is important to know that it is okay to suspend the thinking pattern or thought process, to have no judgement, expectation or comparison, and to let yourself have an experience void of your past or your future state. In short, to be.  It is also a time to put your brain in low gear. It is a time to be still, calm and quiet, and to take in what your senses are giving you and simply let the information in without trying to categorize it, organize it or influence it. It is fine to put the brain and mind “on the shelf” and also to know when to take them off the shelf and put them into action.

We often overthink things, have visceral or gut reactions, see the world and our various interactions through a lens of our past experiences and influenced by expectation. There are many that automatically jump to conclusions, make inferences, judge, compare, etc.  These are times to put the brain and mind “on the shelf” for a bit and to rest and be. Once rested and with a sense of clarity and fresh perspective to then re-engage the brain and more so the mind. Here lies a path to being more in-tune with your instincts and your Self, and to enlightenment and peace of mind.

The Energy of Words

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 “If we understood the power of our thoughts, we would guard them more closely. If we understood the awesome power of our words, we would prefer silence to almost anything negative. In our thoughts and words, we create our own weaknesses and our own strengths. Our limitations and joys begin in our hearts.” 

~Betty Eadie


For centuries philosophers, linguists, poets and writers all have contemplated the meaning, truth and impact of words. Merriam Webster defines words as: sound or combination of sounds that have a meaning and are spoken or written. But words are so much more. They have intent and purpose. They are the expressed or manifested mind and will of you.

Some say words have the power to do anything–to challenge, to empower, to build movements, achieve excellence, to silence critics, to spread energy or to energize. Words are energy.

But often words as intent are in your mind, heart and soul, and in the process of expressing them verbally or in written form, the vision of those words can be overshadowed by context, circumstances, expectation or interpretation fueled by yours and others experiences. We find ourselves either struggling to put our indescribable visions into words so others can understand or we short change their intent by rushing to get them out–and sometimes using the words that do not convey envisioned intent.

As an example, today we abbreviate our communications–our words. We almost short-circuit the meaning and intent–more so, their energy–by a digital shorthand of a new language of text and chat symbols and letters. Think about it, when you type an LOL, CY, FAP, GMILY, etc, are you shortchanging the intent? Are you losing the energy behind the Laugh Out Loud, Calm Yourself, Fucking A Pissed or Good Morning I Love You? Are you rushing through your emotions or feelings, or simply using a new lexicon of communications? Are your words vibrating at a lower energy? Are you not energizing your intent through your words? Milky-Way-Devils-Tower

Your words are an expression of you. Everything you absorb around you becomes part of you, and because of this your words have more fuel or energy behind them. Keep this energy with your words.

Also, in our current human existence we are in a world of duality, and so is, for most part, our words (especially in the Western part of the world). We tend to think in opposites or antonyms vs synonyms. We are missing the concept that there is not only one possible word for every possible thought or concept. There is something else beyond synonyms.

In some Eastern languages, there is a most amazing concept of meaning and intent in words that is complex yet so simple. We see this when we try to translate an English word to one in Chinese or Arabic or vice versa. We also see this is in native American languages. The words cannot be translated since the fluid intent or meaning is different and difficult to capture. It is felt more than heard.

In a recent Facebook post I talked about the Japanese phrase of “mushin no shin,” meaning, “mind of no mind.” This phrase means innocent, or one with no knowledge of good and evil. It literally means “without mind.” “Mushin no shin,” is a state of mind without fear, anger or anxiety. Mushin is often described by the phrase, “mizu no kokoro,” which means, “mind like water.”  The phrase is a metaphor describing the pond that clearly reflects it’s surroundings when calm but whose images are obscured once a pebble is dropped into its waters. Trying to translate this phase or string of words would lose its deeper intent.

The word Ruach (ancient hebrew) means explosive, expansive, surprising and creative energy that surges through all things; holding everything all together and giving the universe its life, depth and fullness.  In our current, modern world, people may understand spirit to mean something less real or tangible–as something non physical. However, when Hebrews spoke of Ruach, they were not talking about something less physical or real, they were talking about what happens when something becomes more real right before your eyes.

This leads me to call on you to use words wisely, to be aware of your divine presence and the intent of your soul expressed through words.  There is a spirituality of words that carry not only intent, but your voice of the Universe. Do not short-circuit that, underestimate that, or mis-use that.

The Unique Looking Glass of You

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Ever since I was very young when I became conscious of living and recognized that there was a whole, big world out there filled with all sorts of different places and people, I have been fascinated by the individual or personal human experience. I was intrigued by the expanses of space and geography and how I could be having my very own personal experiences and everyone else in the world was having theirs–at essentially the same time. I was perplexed on how there were billions of people doing things, saying things, etc., and I was not part of them… not there to see it, hear it or feel it.

I used to try to imagine what it would be like to truly experience what someone else was experiencing. I wondered what it would be like to see the world through others’ eyes, and how I could somehow transpose myself into someone else’s body to see what it was like to be someone else or know at any given time not only what someone else was doing, but was part of their experience.

Maybe social media serves as that “transporter” for now and gets us closer but this still is, in a sense, one dimensional or only bi-directional. We may be able to share or be in real time and space connected through some digital interface, but not quite able to have an inter-person experience–where we experience someone’s feelings and really know what it is like to be that other person, to be in that other place, etc. This is sort of the ultimate real experience of walking in someone else’s shoes. This poses an interesting question. Are we are ever meant to have that type of experience. Maybe not. You only need your own looking glass. Altered Perception

I think fairly early on in my life I realized that each one of us is indescribably unique and we are not meant to be somewhere else, be someone else or have someone else’s experiences while in this physical space. We are who we are and where we are at any given moment for a reason.

Regardless of where you are or who you are with, your experiences–what you feel, how you interpret what you see or what you hear–are explicitly and authentically yours. No one can have them or replicate them just as you cannot have or replicate someone else’s experiences. There is something special about that, almost sacred.

Really no one else in the entire world can feel exactly what you feel. No one else can do what you do, think like you think or express themselves like you. This is amazing, perplexing and intriguing all rolled up together… and maybe meant to be.

Each one of us is a unique being experiencing the journey of our lives. It’s this uniqueness and individualism that contributes to the diversity of our world and how we enrich each others lives. I don’t think we should underestimate the importance and value of this. So as fascinating as it is to think what it would be like to be someone else, to see through their eyes, feel their emotions, to be in their consciousness, we should contemplate if would we want someone in ours.