Energy Exchange

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“When Your Energy vibrates at a frequency that is in direct alignment with what the universe has been attempting to deliver your entire life, you begin to live in the flow and true miracles start to happen.”
~Panache Desai


This week I want to focus on energy. Over the past year I have written about energy, I have touched upon energy on an individual level, including that we as humans are energy and that we embody and are a source of energy. I have touched upon management of one’s energy. I have also touched upon energy on a universal level, sharing with you aspects of collective energy and the benefits of tapping into positive waves of energy and good intentions.

And I have shared a fundamental Universal truth about energy exchange that we attract the energy that we are sending out. This is commonly interpreted as positive energies attract positive energies and negative energies attract negative energies. But there is a deepness to the topic of energy and energy exchange that I would like to explore with you.

Energy exists all around us. Every aspect of our world is made up of energy in varying degrees of vibration. From the Divine energy that created our souls to judgmental or manipulative energy, the energy that surrounds us and is within us is constantly moving, redefining and evolving us.

Energy is the substance that makes up life and it comes from within each of us. In every interaction we are experiencing an energy exchange. This energy exchange can be so subtle that most times we are not aware of it. Other times we may feel it physically, for instance in the form of feeling exhausted post a confrontation or a thrilling experience. And most of us know that if we dwell in a state of emotion or energy of fear, sadness, worry, etc., that we seem to attract or perpetuate this in our lives. We feel in a funk or notice that our preponderance to worry about certain things tends to create a series of events that are manifestations of that worry. If we function in a state of emotion or energy of positivity, hope, or calm, we attract more of the positive outcomes associated with this energy. space-stars

We, however, live in a physical world or dimension where we are ascending to our true Selves and reconciling our physical beings with our souls, and people of the world are at different states in this process. Sometimes this creates a competition for energy, as we try to find or fulfill a physical or emotional void when we forget that we have an unlimited energy source within ourselves and where we look to others to fill that void.

Even when a person is loving towards another, he or she can feel drained of energy, as he or she may be giving so much to the other. They think love comes from another when it actually comes from within–from within themselves as a divine source of energy. Energy flows through us and is not from a limited source that can be depleted. If we think of love as a form of energy, we should not fear its loss, as there will always be an abundance of it within us and around us.

Our energies fluctuate within ourselves and between others based on our interactions, intentions, state of mind, and circumstances. It takes focus, reflection and some effort to be grounded, to be in-tune with or understand why we are feeling certain ways, to bring ourselves back to center and to be energetically refueled.

Daily interactions with people and the energy exchanges that go hand-in-hand with this provides us with growth. We need to recognize that an energy exchange is happening and be cautious not to surrender our energy to those who are trying to manipulate it for their own purpose. Now is the time to recognize the situation for what it is and have compassion. Through compassion and understanding we overcome manipulation.

In the daily exchange of energy, sometimes we are victims, sometimes problem solvers and rescuers, sometimes manipulators and sometimes the manipulated. Throughout life we have a role in this energy exchange. To not get caught up in energy competition or struggle, we need to release the need to control or have power over others. It is best to observe what comes to us without reacting, to have trust in the Universe and that what is happening is for our highest good. This is when we use our free will to act, versus re-act. This is when we will be able to tap into the power of knowing all things.

Now is the time to take ownership of the energy that you put out in the world.

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