Your Soul’s Song

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“Music is the language of the spirit. It opens the secret of life bringing peace, abolishing strife.” 

― Kahlil Gibran

As we approach this physical world’s year end, for many it is time to reflect and for some to measure where they are in the plans and goals they set forth for themselves as the New Year of 2015 began. Time to take stock of progress they have made towards their intentions, and contemplate their emotions and where they are currently in their lives. This can be exhilarating for some where they are excited to step into the new year based on the growth they realized.

For others it can be a feeling of more work to do and being at peace with that. And for some it may feel discouraging or disappointing whereby they are still being a bit more judgemental of themselves or comparing themselves to others—where they may be living in others’ expectations. Regardless of where you may fall on the spectrum of “reflection” keep front and center that you are on your soul’s journey.

If you feel that you have not “progressed” or “evolved” to the place you wanted to be, let go of the judgement. Take time to deeply reflect and meditate on your emotions. Embrace all of them—joy, sadness, confidence and doubt, etc. They are yours and are your Self sending you a message. Acknowledge them and move forward knowing that you have the power to manifest your dreams and desires. Listen to your inner voice and trust your instincts. You have all the answers you seek.

If you feel that maybe you did not end the year where you thought you wanted to be, re-examine your intentions and be open with yourself about what obstacles you may have put in your own way. And remember that sometimes your soul may need for you to go through a few rounds of the same emotions or challenges so that you learn from them, grow and can move on and not relive them again. These are the “reminds” (The “Re-Mind”) I talked about earlier this year. beach-sundown

Learning to love your self (Love Thy Self) and knowing that you are right where you are supposed to be are Universal truths. Let go of judgement, of jealously and of unnecessary want. Know and believe that you are a divine being and part of something bigger than your single self.

This has been a tremendous year with the entry of new energy (WaveX) into the Earth we inhabit. There is a great ascension underway that can be emotionally, mentally and physically trying. Do not fear it. We are all on a collective journey to a harmonious and higher existence, but our physical bodies can be challenged by this journey. Our mental capacities of focus and concentration can be drained. And our souls may feel agitated and uneasy. These are the times not to ignore these symptoms. These are the times to ensure that you take care of yourself—to eat healthy, to rest, to exercise, to meditate, and to relax (Spiritual Relaxation) into what you are experiencing.

And most importantly, these are the times to hear the harmony that your soul sings inside you. For many, we forget how to listen to our soul’s song. We get distracted. Noise enters and we lose sight of the signal. Life can feel busy and overwhelming with long lists of “to-do’s,” coupled with thoughts of “should haves” and “if only’s. But life is a wonderful gift of the Universe to you. Your soul chose to be in this physical place to experience everything on your path. As you are on this Universal excursion fueled by the new energy coming into this world your soul is working to return to its innate frequency—its song.

You are part of the Universe (The Universe is You)—and as the Universe—are energy. As you go through the constant state of change—as you make peace with your past and release hurts, fears and traumas, you are making connections to your divine Self and are ascending. You are getting closer to your truth. You are enlightened and receive, through opening channels, knowledge and wisdom. Even though some days it may not feel like it you are advancing. You are waking up. Now is not the time to be discouraged or disheartened. Now is the time to celebrate and follow your energy path. Let your soul’s song be heard and let it vibrate through you into the Universe.

I encourage you to read through the collection of posts that we published this year. They themselves have been a journey. My hope is that in re-reading them in the context of what you have learned, where you are now and with the insight of the Universal change underway that you find solace, hope and guidance. My wish for you at this Holiday Season is that you begin to hear a bit louder the song inside of you and to rejoice in it!

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