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“Brushing the clouds away from my eyes, I see clarity in the raindrop and beauty in the first ray of morning sun…”

We have all experienced them at points in our lives–those moments of clarity. Sometimes they are so brief. They happen in the matter of a few seconds or in the blink of an eye. Other times they are a bit more lasting–but then our minds turn on again and they fade. Moments of clarity bring a lightness, a peace, a smile–and they sometimes bring an excitement, a thrill–or a “I have connected the dots” moment where something comes into your consciousness that helps you see more clearly, helps you understand a circumstance, etc.

They are as unique to you as you are. They may even be different or unique each time you have one. There is no cookie cutter moment of clarity or a prescribed formula for conjuring them on demand. But for most of us, if you take a few minutes to think about when you have had moments or times of clarity, you will probably note that they came about when your mind was not in overdrive (even for a split second); when you were doing something different or what some may call “mindless”, like cleaning the house, waiting in line at the grocery story, driving, cooking, riding your bike,  etc.

Now–these for sure are not mindless activities. You do need to focus on the task at hand, but they do represent something you may have been doing that totally took your mind out of your normal thinking pattern or off an issue or challenge playing out in your life. It helped you put your mind on the shelve for a bit–so that when you pick it back up again you do so with renewed energy, with more “pieces” in place or dots connected and a clearness, etc.

clear lakeMoments of clarity are meant to be and are provided by the universe as a gift–not only for your mind to take a break, but to help you evolve, have peace, gain insight, etc.

We are all born into this physical world with minds that are clear, open and pure. They are like a blank canvas waiting to be colored by experiences. As we grow we develop capabilities that help us live in this world. We develop memory, intelligence and creativity.  We also develop a lot of mental stuff–as we get increasingly bombarded with information (overload); we accumulate memories-good and bad and we are surrounded by lots of noise, drama and the hustle and bustle of daily life.  New pressures or worries enter, expectations (Freeing Yourself of Expectations) increase, and we move to and through more and more experiences.

Now–as I mentioned, there isn’t necessarily a magic formula or a series of prescribed “to do’s” that can let you have your moment of clarity right now on demand. First, your moments of clarity are yours and only yours–inspired and fueled by where you are currently in life, your experiences, your intentions, your “DNA,” and values and beliefs.

Second, we all have things that we do to break away from our minds for a bit–turning the radio up in the car with the windows rolled down, taking a walk outside, watching a movie, sitting on plane, meditation, etc. Times when we are out of our element and put ourselves (consciously or unconsciously) in the moment.

Creating more moments of clarity in your life is possible –they are provided to you by you. It starts with being in-tune with yourself (Love Thy Self), recognizing that your mind may be in overdrive, noticing that you may have a lot of noise or drama going on and paying attention to what helps you calm your mind or distract you from the stuff replaying in your mind.  Once you have them (or even just one thing), do them. Remind yourself to take that mental break.

That said, it does not necessarily mean you will have that “on-demand” moment of clarify. But the more you do those things–make them part of you–the more your mind can have those restful times. And this helps your mind to get out of cycles of repetitive or negative thinking, to see possibilities and embrace your intuition–giving your mind the break that helps  let in the clarity.

I look forward to hearing from you–and your special moments of clarity.

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