Personal Framework for Change

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As January and a new year rolled in, we have been focused on the theme of change–embracing change, understanding and accepting that change comes from within, and the gift of riding the wave of positive intentions and good will as a new year starts to fuel your change. Now that we are a few weeks into the year, and most of us have gone back to our daily routines–that momentum of change can be difficult to keep.

There are deadlines, commitments, and what feels like the growing and endless list of “to-dos.” We try to work into our daily lives the change we want to make, and sometimes we get distracted, delayed, etc. And we think that having a plan for change will help. But for many this becomes yet another “to-do”. So, we must not think of change as a “to do” or put it on a list.

Change is a process and does come from within. And as we noted in the post on “Embracing Your Inner Warrior of Change,” we do need to re-orient our thinking so that we value and embrace change. But also always remember that change is a process that needs time and can’t be rushed. Just like the waves of the ocean there are ebbs and flows and other forces (like lunar phases and weather systems that impact the intensity, size and force of those waves) that impact the waves of your change.


At Warrior Rx we find a positive way to embrace and pursue personal change is not to do so in the paradigm of a plan. Plans mean milestones, deadlines, dates, etc. And when you don’t meet those it can feel like you have failed, can’t seem to get things going in the “right direction, and become disappointed in yourself–or worse lose your drive for change.

The journey of change should be done in the mindset of a framework. There are many definitions of frameworks, and the two we like are: “a set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a view in reality” and “a structure supporting or containing something”. So think of the “something” as you–your likes, dislikes; your personality; what inspires you; what motivates you; your skills; how you function–e.g., night owl or morning lark, etc. And think of the set of assumptions, concepts, values and practices as your intentions and ideas; your purpose for change; and things you can and will do in your process of change–that take your reality into consideration.

Frameworks are more like guides. They are flexible and not prescribed. They are gentle and kind–and forgiving. Imagine your personal framework as the frame of a house when it’s being built. It will hold you and the many pieces of your life. Imagine how the rooms will be filled. Frameworks let you use your imagination and yet think and act within a reasonable, but yet open and fluid, structure. Let your personal framework for change reflect and embrace you.

Put your journey of change in the mindset of a framework–not a plan. Let your framework serve as your roadmap, with very first steps of and keeping conscious always self-inquiry and self-exploration. Let your personal framework support and comfort you, while giving you the freedom to go down new or different paths, float in and out of rooms, and to see the rooms differently; to adjust and find peace and acceptance when you adjust. After all, as you journey through your change, new discoveries, insights, opportunities and even challenges will happen. These will evolve you, give you the gift of looking out of different windows, and sometimes and point you in new directions.


Ride the Wave

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“You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment.”
– Henry David Thoreau


This is the time of year–the beginning of a new year–that many of us make resolutions and put out to the universe that we are going to change. Change our health habits, change our routines, change ourselves–make change so we become improved versions of our current selves and lead more meaningful lives.

It’s hard to not only make these resolutions and embrace them, but harder to keep them alive. Some of us reject the New Year’s resolution thing all together–be it from a place of fear or thinking it’s a silly tradition and not wanting to be take part in a collective of commitments that fade over time.

But there is something to be said about this time of the year. When literally billions of people one by one are creating a form of tremendous positive energy with their resolutions–and a wave of good will and good intention. This collective of positive energy is like a movement of a higher dimensional frequency, clearing paths and amplifying intentions.

It’s like riding the wave–where as the wave builds it picks up more and more energy. This energy can fuel your intentions and help move them forward and help move you into a positive state of change–which as we noted in our last post starts from within. This state of universal positive energy is a magnificent gift and should be accepted and used wisely as you make your commitments, express your intentions and start your journey of change.

Some of you reading this may say what happens when the wave crests and starts to lose its energy. In this regard, think about it in terms of the ocean. Ocean waves come rolling into the beach bringing in a flow of water and energy and when they hit the beach and rescind carry away debris. And sometimes they leave beautiful shells and sea glass. The sea shore in a way represents constant change and renewal–a wave of change and renewal.

Let the energy wave ignited by all the billions of intentions for change carry you forward and fuel you and keep with you the belief that as waves in our daily lives ebb, new waves keep rolling in behind. Let that process continue to gently move you forward.

So as the Henry David Thoreau quote says, launch yourself on every wave. Be it the wave of collective energy being put out to the universe for all of us to embrace and ride or the waves of life that help move us forward, clearing out debris and providing us gifts of discovery about ourselves that help us see the beauty in ourselves and make meaningful change.

Embracing Your Inner Warrior of Change

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As we stand at the beginning of a new year there is one thing to remember and to embrace — that change is constant. Or another way of looking at it is that the only constant in life is change. All life is movement, flow and change. Think about it. Seasons change, our bodies change and even the circumstances we encounter each day change. Our relationships change, work situations change, our beliefs change, our values change.

So much changes in our lives and we may not always realize it. It seems to just happen, but it was our choices, our beliefs or how we reacted to a force that caused change. There are also times that change happens from circumstances out of our control and we don’t like it, or we fear it. And there are times—like the beginning of a new year—where we consciously want to make change: lose weight, eat healthy, be more in the moment, help others, find a new job or find that something that makes us happy and impactful.

It is important that we re-orient our thinking so that we value change, and more importantly embrace it as a healthy and meaningful part of life, and to be conscious of change and how beautiful it is. It is through change that new opportunities present themselves. Change opens the door for us to be creative. It provides the stage for new roles. It pushes us to try new things and meet new people. It encourages us to learn new skills. It allows us to evolve our beliefs and to grow. It is a positive force in our lives.

It is also important to be harmonious with change and to mindfully participate in the flow or process of change. When circumstances present themselves that are not within our control, when set backs happen or obstacles are put in our path, we need to recognize and accept—and know—that we will learn and grow from these experiences.

Since change is a constant, know that there will always be fluctuations in life and we should not fear them. Through the experience of change, we find out something new about ourselves. We discover an inner strength. We reaffirm a belief or value or change a belief or value. Paramount is being conscious of and fully engaged in the process, and to let the emotions happen. It is essential to have an open heart and open mind, and to remain positive. When change is within our control, also recognize that this is a process and we also need to have an open heart and mind, and to be kind to ourselves and others as we go through the journey.

As we approach change, as we embrace it and as we live through change, it is important to look at change as a refining process that comes from within. It starts on the inside and works its way out. Regardless if your process of change is at the hands of a sudden or unexpected turn of events or a goal set by you, how and why you change comes from within you. It is a constant state of conscious self-discovery and choice, of healing, of forgiving and learning to love yourself. The way you think and what you believe turns into the life you build, and that starts with you.

Happy New Year!

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Let 2015 be the year that you embrace the Warrior in you.

At Warrior Rx we are committed to helping you reclaim your health, vitality and inner peace and to stand in confidence, courage, strength, compassion, forgiveness and love.

Stayed tuned in for a series of posts and information that will help guide you to embracing your inner warrior and to living a radiant and fulfilled life.

Warrior Rx Team

Bring to Life Your Warrior Self

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For the vast majority, we go about our days going through the motions–mindlessly following routines, falling into uninspiring patterns and using the “if only” mantra–if only I had a different job, if only I had more money, if only I had someone who loves me—if only FILL IN THE BLANK. Unknowingly, we over time harbor and act out negative thoughts, complain and conform, and these actions and thoughts fill our days.

Life can be difficult and demanding, and there will always be challenges, twist and turns in our journeys. But if we really choose to advance or change our lives–to get out of patterns of worry, fear and frustration–we need to stop the “if only” mantra and need to bring to life the warrior inside ourselves.

We need to have our warrior selves focus on three simple principles: having goals, thinking positively and using our imaginations. And we need to put into action, every day, these principles–so they become our new habits, our new way of thinking, our belief system–and our lives will change.

As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, ” a man is what he thinks about all day long.” If you are thinking “what if’s” and complaining about things, people and circumstances, you become negative and draw in the things you are complaining about, and become what you are complaining about. Change the mantra to a positive belief.

To do this, you need to set a goal–a goal of what you choose to become, who you choose to be, what life you choose to have–and vision it. You need to live and act as if you have what you choose and not let in any negative thoughts. You need to not fall into the trap of commiserating with others or complaining and blaming others. Negative thoughts and energy attract more negativity and unhealthy energy to you.

With your goals in hand–actually write them down and look at them every single day–coupled with a personal mantra and positive thought, now put into play your imagination. Put into action the positive thoughts with positive actions. This can be giving of yourself, helping others, being kind, etc. This can be taking steps–and they can be baby steps for sure–toward your personal vision. Do something everyday–letting your imagination soar–that moves your forward to your vision.

The warrior self will guide your mind, it will help you walk in faith and enrich your life by enriching the lives of others. Start today–envision your worthy ideal, write down your goal, create your mantra and invoke your imagination through action.

Pink Warriors

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At Warrior Rx we believe in all of us lives a Warrior. That something inside us that makes us brave, courageous, strong–fighters. That something that gives us the ability to persevere and reason to hope and to give hope.   It can take many forms in many situations.  It can be a silent resolve or an outrageous burst–but it is with us everyday.

At Warrior Rx we like to call special attention to the Warriors of breast cancer. Those women and men who work tirelessly to raise awareness about breast cancer, those working to find a cure and those providing loving and caring support to those with breast cancer.

We pay tribute to those who have told their stories and those yet to tell their stories.And we pay a special tribute to the Pink Warriors who are in their battle with breast cancer. Those amazing women who everyday are on the frontline and through their personal journeys and experiences touch hearts and souls and exemplify the human spirit.

There are many sources of information about breast cancer and we encourage everyone to get informed. Here are two links to get you started.

Rock on Pink Warriors!

Starting Your Fitness Program

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Most people want to be in better physical shape and have a higher level of fitness but unfortunately they let themselves go too far and don’t know where to start. So what is one to do?  I notice most people I talk to who find themselves in this position feel they need to have some grand plan or start a gym membership before they do anything else, or have an hour of time allotted or more before they start.

All you need is 15 minutes to start.

Yes I said 15 minutes… doesn’t seem like much time, but it can make a world of difference. I always say start small and gradually put more time into it as you go. Most people feel 15 minutes is not enough time to get in better shape… but when you are not working out at all it’s plenty of time!  Most of the time putting off starting on a certain date or waiting to take a certain class or waiting for the right day or moment to start a workout regiment is just an excuse (& you know it).

So what can we do in 15 minutes & where? My favorite type of exercise – body weight calisthenics. No fancy equipment needed, just your own body weight & gravity, a very effective combination. Depending on your current level of fitness, which if you are not working out at all is probably not very high, start nice and easy.  If you can’t do a push-up yet, then start with brisk walking with some wrist weights.

Take A Walk, Do Some Deep Breathing

Walking is a great form of exercise that most people over look and should be an addition to your workout regimen. I personally take a walk everyday, usually at night. A good time to take a walk is after you eat a meal, as it helps digest your food. There is an old Chinese saying, (I think it’s Chinese) that if you walk 99 steps after each meal you’ll live to be 99 years old… you get the idea.

Walking helps you clear your head & sometimes even get some answers to questions you normally can’t come up with sitting around thinking about them. Also, you get out of the house and get some fresh air.

You can combine breathing exercises as well with your daily walk. Just do some basic deep belly breathing, just focusing on your breath… in through your nose and out through your nose, tongue to the roof of your mouth. You will feel revitalized just doing this & no gym membership required!

Just Start Moving

The point is just start doing something, start moving. So you have your daily health walk or fitness walk you can call it. Walk a different path or route each day to change things up. Sometimes I walk for well over an hour, sometimes for just 10-15 minutes.

Then you can add a short 15 minute workout when you get back. Your blood is flowing already, do some light stretching for a few minutes before you start. A good combination is a few short sets of squats (maybe 10-15 reps) with light weights in hands, a few sets of push-ups (or variations of a push up if you can’t do a real one). Start today and there you go, you are active and on the path to getting in good shape.

I will talk more in future posts about different types of exercises and stretches you can do. Really, you should stretch everyday, especially after you wake up. Gets the blood flowing and helps wake you up to start your day.



The Mind – Body Connection

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So what exactly is the mind – body connection? The mind and body are really inseparable but most people I find are not as in tune with their bodies when they train or work out as they should or could be. This is a topic that I feel is very important when it comes to working out and getting optimal results from your fitness program.

Use Your Art or Hobby to Connect the Two 

As a martial artist, the mind – body connection becomes very evident during training and especially during sparring. If you are not in the moment so to speak and are not aware of your body position, your breathing, your environment, your opponent’s position and movement and are caught up in some random thought process, it’s going to cost you… in many cases with a kick or punch (or several) to your body & that is going to hurt.

That’s what I always loved about martial arts, because they almost force you to link your body and mind into one harmonious unit or otherwise your martial art will never evolve to higher levels. The human mind is super powerful, in my opinion quite frankly probably one of the most powerful forces we have at our disposal as human beings.

It has allowed us as a species to attain magnificent achievements in technology, architecture, medicine etc. It also allows us to do incredible things with our bodies. If you ever heard the term mind over matter, this is only possible if you have a strong awareness of your own mind – body connection…. the body follows the mind.

But going back to the basics of how the everyday person can use their mind to not only enhance their workouts but achieve levels of fitness and attain their personal goals much quicker than most think possible. I’ll give a quick example of how one can do this right away.

Be ‘in’ Your Body

When I go to the gym, I see many people on treadmills watching TV as they run. This is not very productive because what you are essentially doing is putting your mental focus on external stimuli and your results will suffer for it. You should be focused on your body and your breathing and the signals/feeling your brain is sending to your body. Also what you can be doing is visualizing how you are improving your body’s shape and tone as opposed to being caught up in some pointless television show. Of course if you are watching an exercise video or training course that is a different story.

I’ll get into visualization more in another post, but suffice to say you should be ‘in’ your body when working out, whether it’s running, lifting, doing squats etc. Your internal focus on the type of results you are achieving while doing the actual exercise itself can speed up the actual time frame you get those results dramatically.

Be aware of your thoughts; are you thinking to yourself how difficult the exercise is or when it’s going to be finally over? Or are you thinking how much stronger or leaner your are getting, or visualizing your ideal body shape you desire?  Also if you are really pushing yourself and are in pain, focusing on your breathing is so important to not only pushing through but also calming your mind and oxygenating your muscles properly.

Staying Aware Keeps You Safer

Also if you are running outdoors in public, I always tell people to not wear headphones as this decreases your awareness of what’s around you which you really should be aware of. I am a big advocate of music and how it can enhance your workouts and practically give you energy but it should be done in the right place like the safety of your home or studio.

I will get into the mind – body connection in deeper levels in the future, for example moving energy internally and chi kung. This requires that you are intimately aware of your thoughts and breathing while training.




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