The Universe is You

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“We are part of this universe; we are in this universe, but perhaps more important than both of those facts, is that the universe is in us.”

~ Neil deGrasse Tyson

When we talk about change and intention, of ascension, etc. it is often in the context of the Universe and this “Universe” being an entity or even a higher or divine being—and external to you as a physical being. It gets positioned as this separate, larger force or energy and sometimes it gets personified. We read or hear such things as to put your intentions out into the Universe, the Universe will provide for you, the Universe will tell you what to do, the Universe will support you, etc. 

This is true. The Universe—as an amazing, powerful, collective and connected energy source made up of each and every one of us—past, present and future—will 100 percent support you in creating a life you love by giving you the challenges, experiences, tools, skills and relationships you need in order to get to where you want to go—to fulfill your soul’s intention.

We as humans exist in a multi-dimensional spiritual Universe, and each of us were soul beings before we were born into the world. Each of us are energy sources as well. So, with this, we are not separate from the Universe, and each of us is more than an individual piece of the Universe. We are the Universe. You are the Universe. You are the vortex where the entire energy of the Universe comes alive. You are the focus of the Universe that makes you possible.  universe in you

This is tremendous and amazing, especially when you think about this is terms of your intentions and how you have the power to change, and in doing so change the world. You can tap into the amazing resource of you—of what you were, who you are and what you will be to work toward your intentions and purpose.  As I have said in past posts, the answers you seek, the life you truly desire are within you—in the Universe.

The strongest, most powerful connection to everything that can guide you is actually within you. So often, we get caught up in thinking that we need to “trust the Universe” and some external force is going to take care of things. When we do this, we position ourselves as dependent or dis-empowered relative to some elevated idea of the Universe. Instead, think and know that the Universe is you. You are the elevated or divine being. In saying that you need to trust the Universe—you are trusting yourself and you are empowering yourself.

Everyday, the Universe—you—are giving signals and signs to help you on your life’s journey and to your purpose. The critical thing (and one of the hardest) to remember is that the journey and your purpose do not have an end or some expiration date. We are constantly evolving and paying attention to the signals and signs will greatly help us.

If you are clear about what you want, but the Universe—you—keeps presenting something that you’re resisting, it’s time to uncover what it is you need to learn, gain or experience. Sometimes the things you are resisting are the necessary part of the journey and you are not going to get through that part of the journey if you continue to push back. Listen to yourself. Stay open and receptive. When you hear, see or experience something that triggers a physical or emotional reaction or a sense of truth, and instinctively know it feels right, you have the answer.


  • I am in contact with the other dimensions as you would call the is spirit world. I was put in this human form to be a warrior and protect an essential soul that is here with me. Over time I have lost my way and have been the cause of pain and sadness in my partner. Her light was distinguished but through our highest warriors they saved her and gave her a new spark. Now its my mission to grow that spark and to protect it. I need to find my warrior strength again. I need help. Anyone who understands.

    • You can find your warrior strength again. You need to look back into yourself deeper and know that the power you once had is yours to reclaim at anytime. It’s just a choice that you need to make daily to be strong and know that you can do it. It’s part mindset, part habits. Practicing daily ‘habits’ or ‘rituals’ consistently that help you stay clear mentally, focus your energy and grow your power are key. These can be internal exercises like daily meditation, chi gung, mantras, affirmations etc. This combined with some type of daily physical exercise regimen to work and strengthen your physical body (for example martial arts, yoga, weights, calisthenics) work together very powerfully. Inside and out. If something had worked for you in the past, rediscover it. Otherwise experiment with some different things to see what works best for you.

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