The Meaning of Your Life

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“Let no one be like another, yet everyone like the highest. How is this done? Be each one perfect in himself.”

~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


The question of “what is the meaning of life” has been being asked for millennia. This question and the contemplation that it carries onto itself has an array of meaning and perspective from the universal to the individual. And when you think deeply about the meaning of life it is often done through your lens to the world, and often from the inflection point of your purpose in life. With this, the question I would like to explore with you is not “what is the meaning of life” but “what is the meaning of your life.”

Actually the answer is simple and unique to each one of us. The answer is to be the best you that you can be.

We discover our life’s meaning through living. Some may say by creating a work or doing a deed. Some may say by experiencing or encountering someone or something. Some may say by the attitude we hold during suffering. It may be all these combined and more.

As I have talked with you in the past, each of us are unique, special beings. We all have a “built-in” purpose and although this may seem difficult at times, we live or work toward fulfilling that purpose everyday. It is through all our thoughts, words and actions. It it through our individual and collective experiences. And it manifests itself in our mind, body and soul. And in this manifestation resides the power of you, where you can exercise your free will to make choices, to set intentions and to live those intentions.

Life in this physical world is a constant state of change. It is how you are part of the change that helps you have clarity around the meaning of your life—which, again, is to be the best you. Inner and outer change, evolution and transformation will happen to you whether or not you define how it will happen.

One of the most powerful gifts we have from the Universe is the ability to better or evolve ourselves everyday—emotionally, intellectually, physically and spiritually. Each of us are in a constant state of change. Embrace it and put intention into it and the meaning of you will unfold and blossom. tree-sunset

Live the meaning of your life . . .

—Be aware that you are perfect as you are now and you are right where you are suppose to be. Accept that you can even be in a state of contentment and have an urge for something more or different.

—Enjoy the ride. Change is constant. Every step along your path, at every stage or action, enjoy and celebrate.

—Breathe into the experiences that may seem boring, painful or tedious. All these moments and related emotions add to the fabric of you.

—Understand your values. Give thought to what values have created the you that you are now and may envision yourself to be.

—Set intentions and work toward those intentions by all you think, say and do.

—Make a choice on what is most important or feels right for you now and gently release all else for another time.

—Be in the moment. Whatever you are doing, focus on it. Savor it. Even in sadness, pain or anger do not fight it, suppress it or struggle with it, or wish for more or something different.

—Simplify or spring-clean your life. Simplify your thoughts, your relationships, etc. Allow yourself space and energy to focus on what energizes you.

—Take a break. Give yourself some time to rest. As I say, put your mind or brain on the shelf for a little bit. Allow yourself to just ‘be’ to clear your mind for new ideas and inspiration.

—Follow your instincts. Intuition comes from an accumulation of all your experiences and memories. It speaks to you, so listen.

—Challenge yourself. It’s ok to put yourself in a “discomfort zone” so that you can see your capacity.

—Learn to forgive. Reflect and find a peace with past events and let them go.

—Take time to be grateful every day. Allow the emotions that are attached to what you are grateful for to rise.

—Be healthy. Get rest. Eat healthier foods. And move—put your body into motion everyday. Support your body and mind as it serves you well when fit and healthy.

—Seek new paths for evolving. Open your mind to new experiences and people.

—Celebrate you.

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