Energy is Energy

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“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
― Nikola Tesla


There is no such thing as negative energy. Energy is energy. I know that this may seem like quite an odd statement, especially when we hear about and experience the power of attracting positive results towards our intentions with positive thoughts and actions, etc.  The “positive energy attracts positive energy or results” paradigm, and therefore its corresponding paradigm of negative energy attracting negative energy or results becomes a predominant mindset in how we function and view our interactions. I would like to explore this—negative energy does not exist—a bit with you in this post from a few perspectives.

In our physical world and living in the dimension of duality—right wrong, up down, left right, black white and positive negative—we often function in an unconscious state and in this state we attempt to rationalize or understand what we are feeling or reacting to that may not “feel good” from a position of duality or positive vs negative energy.  However, this is what we label it when we do not like what we are feeling or experiencing and we project that onto others or as a way to rationalize our circumstances.

In reality we are projecting some things about ourselves that we do not like and that we need to work through and change. Being self-aware and understanding and believing that negative energy does not exist is a major step forward. This can take time since we are somewhat hard-wired to think in contrast and opposition, as well as in judgment. It is important to be cognizant of this duality and not let it over-power your thinking.

When you start to be more self-aware you will also become more sensitive to energy around you. Sometimes you may feel uncomfortable with the energy you are sensing, and in your mindset of duality you may describe it or even “feel” it as “negative” energy. And when you feel or think this way—you may react this way as well. You want to take action to block it or avoid it. There is no such thing as negative energy, just energy that does not assist you in achieving your highest good. Remember, energy is energy and everything is energy. red canyon sun

There should be no labeling or judgment of it, for when you define it and react from this place, you lose sight of your power to create your world and work toward your intentions. Know that no one can do anything to you. You create everything that happens to you—everything in your life.  If you are discontent with something in your life this does not mean you are bad, wrong or broken. It means there is opportunity to grow. All the energy you need to change or evolve resides within you.

It is also important to note that what you are actually experiencing is the overall rising energy of the Universe. As the energy rises and gets faster, thoughts, ideas and beliefs that contradict this are going to become more apparent. We are in a time now where the vibration of the Universe is rapidly rising and the frequency of the individual is speeding up as well, many will be challenged with understanding or reconciling the change in these vibrations.

Many may feel uncomfortable or confused, and believe that what they are feeling is negative, they will try to hold onto old beliefs. But this discomfort and confusion can be viewed as part of the ascension or change process. This is when we become so uncomfortable that we know we need to break from these old beliefs and look toward something new or different. It is time to adopt a new paradigm or belief. Let go of panic and fear and observe what is true. It takes courage and conviction to take this step, but do not let the voice of self-doubt enter, knowing that energy is energy and its energy that fuels you.

This said, it is also a time, with the frequencies getting higher and faster, that everything is speeding up. So we must be aware that the time between thought and manifestation is getting shorter. If we are self-aware we will see the correlation between our force (energy) and what is in our realities (our lives). More than ever it’s important to be careful and take responsibility for what we put our focus on.

Hopefully you have gained more perspective into energy and its impact on you, and walk away with thoughts regarding paying attention to your focus and to embrace ALL energy.