Markers and Milestones

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“To ask me to verify my life by giving you my statistics is like using science to validate sorcery. It robs the world of its magic and makes milestones out of us all.”

Carlos Castaneda


Happy New Year to all. As we line up on the starting line of 2017 with new or renewed resolutions, aspirations and intent, but at the same time settle back into our routines and pick up where we left off last year, it is important to consciously channel your energies into your intent and not get distracted by the noise of expectations or milestones artificially created and imposed by institutions and society.

Since so ingrained in this physical space of our current life, we sometimes mindlessly accept rules, prerequisites and the “shoulds,” “ifs,” and “buts” laid out before us by education systems, financial systems, work force systems, governments, etc.  Think about it.

Who decided what grades you need in school in order to advance to the next grade, what GPA or number of credits you need for a degree, what performance review rating you must have to get a raise or to be promoted, what credit rating you need to have to get a loan, and what events or milestones must sequentially be achieved to be recognized or acknowledged among peers or in certain circles?  I know that some of you may debate my examples, but I do want you to contemplate and question why you may let such things hold you back, as well as to consider your level of acceptance of them, and why you accept them. galaxy

Having milestones or targets initially established by such institutions or systems can be viewed as frameworks or structures to help people in mass to progress, evolve and even ascend. They served as goals to inspire people to advance in large numbers. But over time they became tools of power brokers and elitists to monitor and control, fueled by their greed and fear.

In these times of great change where we do see old paradigms being shaken, where we see, hear and feel growing agitation, many of these established markers will be increasingly questioned and evolve or fade away. Having awareness of your belief system and use of milestones and markers will become even more important in your personal and collective journey of ascension.

When reflecting on your markers—those created by others that you still may accept and those that you create for yourself—remember that each marker is entangled with experiences, and that experiences provide lessons that expand our consciousness, awaken us and inspire us. And be careful not to let the markers of others define who you are and your path.

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