Make it Personal

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“Some changes happen deep down inside of you. And the truth is, only you know about them.”

Judy Blume, Tiger Eyes


Sometimes our spirits seem not to be enjoying this earthly experience, and sometimes we can find ourselves even resenting our current physical incarnations. We long for a fog to be lifted, energy to rise and new found peace. This state happens when your mind, body and soul are not aligned or in sync. And to get them to be in sync you need to make It personal, and to live in harmony with your true nature—your Self.  Here is where you transcend limitations and doubt and cease to identify with fear and lower emotional states.

Making it personal has a few meanings in the context of syncing up your mind, body and soul. One is that making it personal gives you the drive and the passion to work toward an improved mind, body and soul relationship. Think about it this way. We invest our energies and we make deep and sustainable commitments when something deeply matters to us because we are directly impacted. I’m not talking about selfish or ego-driven wants, but about an issue, cause or belief that is exclusive to you for meaningful and real change.

Which leads me to the other context for making it personal. We are all unique beings. We are all “wired” differently. We may share common attributes or characteristics, but what we feel deep inside, what we think, how we behave, etc., are all very special to us. Our thoughts, words and actions—and our body, mind and soul relationships cannot be duplicated or shared. So if you find your Self out of alignment, it is only you who can work to get your mind, body and soul in harmony.Alone on a mountain

I know that sometimes it may not feel like it, but it is really a privilege to be on earth at this time of ascension and evolution. Of course there are seasons when it may be difficult or challenging in the physicality of you—but you should not lose sight that you have the means and the power to make change.

The Mind

The mind is a very powerful tool and when out of balance it can lead to anxiety, fear, worry and even withdrawal. When in balance our mind can stimulate creativity, enhance intuition and provide drive and motivation. It is important to find time to calm your mind, as well as to nourish it with positive thought and challenge it with new concepts and ideas.

The Body

Our bodies are amazing vessels that allow us to physically move about the world. When not in a state of well being, it can lead to physical symptoms and weakened immunity. Just as we need to nourish our minds, we need to nourish our bodies with a healthy diet, exercise and being physically active and rest.

The Soul

Our souls are our energy or life force that lives within all of us. Our souls are so powerful that they can never be destroyed. The purpose of our soul (or spirit body) is to grow and evolve. Though our souls cannot be destroyed, they can and will shift or morph—as we ascend. And as we nourish and care for our minds and bodies, we do need to nurture our souls as well. Our souls can be nurtured by the practice of gratitude, learning the power of self-love, embracing who you are and learning acceptance and forgiveness, and seeking ways to find your spiritual grounding (in meditation, quiet time, being outdoors.)

We all have the potential to heal and transform ourselves through our thoughts, words and actions—through our perceptions and choices. If you are feeling tired, out of sync, frustrated, upset or overall not well, take time to seriously examine your mind, body and soul relationship and one day at a time begin to take simple steps to bring them into better alignment. And the first step is to make this personal—it is your journey and only you will know and experience the transformation deep inside of you.

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