Immobilize Yourself

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“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” 

― Jalaluddin Rumi


Sometimes in our lives we need to let ourselves collapse into immobilization as part of our natural healing process. Letting yourself become immobilized is an important step in the healing process, be it from a physical injury, an emotional hurt or both.

After an injury or sickness or a frightening, disturbing, upsetting or traumatic experience, the mind and body need time to rest and recover, and it is best to allow this process to unfold uninterrupted.  The amount of time will be different for everyone. You need not compare yourself to others or put undue pressure and timelines on yourself.

Through this time of immobilization you do need to be kind to yourself and remove any thoughts steeped in should haves, ifs, and or buts. Replaying over and over in your head scenarios with different outcomes or what you did or did not do to cause the situation in a mindset fueled by low vibrating energies and emotions will hinder the ability for you to move forward. Healing Energy

An immobilization period does help protect you as you heal, and provides you with time to reflect and do energetic grounding. Energetic grounding will help you get in touch with your body and your emotions.  It will help loosen the tight and constricted muscles and clear your mind.  It will help the energy flow more freely through your body.

When you are in your immobilization period it is important to know what you want as an outcome and to set your intentions.  It is best to let the wisdom of your brain and the power of your body set the direction for your recovery and healing.  With this it is so important to listen to your mind, body and soul. It is important to remove the noise and distractions and to focus on your healing and envisioning yourself healthy and strong.

Through this process your mind and body need to go where they need to go.  Do not let an inner voice of doubt, fear or uncertainty dissuade this.  It is also wise not to let external influences or expectations of others interfere with your healing process.

As your mind and body recover there will be times that, yes, you will need to push yourself through feelings of frustration, sadness and pain.  But you do have inner strength to do this, guided by your angels and the Universe. Never lose sight that you are here to experience, to learn, to grow and evolve.  Sometimes our paths are not easy and hurdles are put in front of us, but so are horizons.

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