Jump BACK into YOUR Life

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We all need time to reflect, contemplate, and to take a break; to rest, relax or recover. It nourishes the soul, lightens the heart, re-energizes, heals, and refuels us. It helps us understand ourselves, to discover new feelings and to grow. Being in-tune with yourself, listening to your inner voice and learning from all experiences–pleasant/ unpleasant, happy/sad, easy/hard, etc.–needs to be part of your daily life.

But sometimes life can get difficult, challenging, routine, boring, uneventful or confusing. You may lose sight of reflection time and what you have learned about yourself–your likes, passions and what makes you tick. And unintentionally (or intentionally) you jumped out of your life.

So how do you jump back into your life?  Lean on what you know, what you have learned and on your instincts. Keep that learning process going and have confidence that your instincts are your truth.
Waterfall-IcelandStop waiting and wishing. Now is the time. Let go of the “should haves,” and the “what ifs.” Jump in for you–not for others, but for your true self. Don’t cut yourself off from your feelings

It’s OK to feel like you are not ready or do not know enough. Know that you know enough, and you will learn by doing–by experiencing and working in the unknown.  If you happen to fall down don’t let that stop you. Lose embarrassment,  judgement and expectation. Plug into what’s around you. Be aware of what’s working and not working. Build an environment that feeds and respects what’s important to you.

Know that there is beauty in simple things.  Work in inspiration and positive choice–and in the space of what’s important to you.  Choose to engage in things that matter to you.  No one has the answers but you. Stop waiting for someone else to give you the answers. to set your stage or open the door. You have the keys to unlock the door and walk through it. You have the ability to jump (back) in, and to enjoy the ride!

Your turn–share how you jumped back into your life!

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